Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1


versions completion , 230
versions tab , 229
Energy conservation system
componenets , 241
lighting control device
control lights , 248
data subscribe , 247
external libraries , 246
Internet connectivity
(Wireless) , 247
source code , 246
standard function , 248–249
light sensor device
data publication , 244
external libraries , 243
Internet connectivity
(Wireless) , 243
publishSensorData() function , 243
read sensor data , 243
function , 243–244
source code , 242
standard functions , 245
log messages , 249–250
objectives , 242

„ H

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
GET method , 40–41
interaction , 35
node-RED fl ow
response node , 68
threshold switch node , 69
POST method , 40, 42
source code , 36
data publication , 37–39
external libraries , 36
Internet , 36
standard functions , 39

„ I, J, K

Internet connectivity
Ethernet. See Wired connectivity
HTTP , 36
intrusion detection system
(Wireless) , 79
IoT devices , 15

lighting control system , 133
livestock tracking
system (Wireless) , 206
MQTT , 45
objectives , 15
options , 15
smarter parking system (Wireless) , 149
waste management system
(Wireless) , 217
WiFi. See Wireless connectivity
Internet Connectivity (Wireless) , 45
Intrusion detection system , 43
circuit , 77–78
code (Android) , 83
components , 75
hardware components requirement , 76
MQTT client
AndroidManifest.xml , 105
Android Project , 97
callback method , 102
class creation , 99
code completion , 100–102
connectToMQTT() method , 102
default code , 100
dialog box , 98
libraries , 96
module option , 99
onCreate() method , 102–105
resolve dependencies , 97
top-level package , 99
objectives , 76
project setup
Activity template , 86–87
Android device screen , 86
confi guration , 85–86
customization screen , 87–88
default folders , 89
folders and fi les details , 88
menu bar , 85
quick start screen , 84
screen layout
activity_main.xml , 90
content_main.xml , 91, 93
default development view , 89–90
image icon , 92
ImageView element , 92
screen layout , 94
TextView element , 92
toolbar and fl oating
action button , 91

Eff ektif workfl ow (cont.)

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