Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1


Listing 1-1. Recommended Code Structure


  • External Libraries

#include <SPI.h>


  • Constants & Variables

char message[] = “Hello Internet of Things”; // Single line comment


  • Custom & Standard Functions

void printMessage()

void setup()
// Initialize serial port

void loop()

Listing 1-1 consists of three functions. It has two standard Arduino functions,
called setup() and loop() , which are automatically called by Arduino once the code
is uploaded. They therefore must be present for the code to run. The third is a custom
function called printMessage() that simply prints a message to the Serial Monitor
window shown in Figure  1-6.
The setup() function is called only once. Initializations are done in this function
including serial monitor initialization using code Serial.begin(9600). The loop()
function, as the name suggests, runs in a continuous loop. Any post-initialization
processing such as reading sensor data can be done in this function. The loop() function
calls printMessage() function and then waits 5,000 milliseconds before repeating.

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