Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1


// Contact the Linux processor

// Connect Arduino to Internet

void loop()
// Do nothing

Your Arduino code is now complete.

Final Product

To test the application, verify and upload the code to Arduino, as discussed in Chapter 1.
Once the code has been uploaded, open the Serial Monitor window. You will start seeing
log messages as shown in Figure  2-17.

Figure 2-17. Log messages from Arduino


In this chapter you developed code to connect Arduino Uno to the Internet using both
Ethernet shield and WiFi shield. You also looked at the wireless setup for Arduino Yún
and the code needed to access the Internet connection.
For any of your future projects that require Internet connectivity using Ethernet or WiFi,
you can use the code provided in this chapter as a base and then add your own code to it.

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