(Martin Jones) #1
Chapter 8: A Sense of Story

If you were called upon to translate these drawings into Ariel, or any other character for
that matter, the later ones would certainly be by far the easiest, for they express a gesture,
but without the inhibiting, overpowering influence of the anatomy. In the first type of
drawing a gesture is used to show off the figure; in the later drawings the figure is used to
show off the gesture.

A Thinking Person's Art ..........................................................................................

If you're not thinking about the story behind the pose or the action, you're just drawing
lines. A storyboard will rarely call for a character to just stand there frozen in a do-
nothing pose. The story will require the character to act or react in some story-related
way: shake hands, walk toward the door, or something. Even just looking requires a
drawing that expresses action.

So drawing requires thinking. Thinking, in this case, being synonymous with acting. I
don't know how many hundreds, perhaps thousands of times I've watched artists use lines
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