UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1
Chapter 5


  1. The current setting of 175 for NavMeshGen_MaxPolyHeight may cause some
    issues for us if we use a pawn larger than our default pawn. Let's increase this
    value to 300.
    /** This number needs to be larger than the size of your

We need to tell the engine to use our TutScout class instead of the engine's
default Scout class.

  1. In your DefaultEngine.ini, change ScoutClassName=UTGame.UTScout
    to ScoutClassName=YourGamePackage.YourScoutClassName.

  2. Go back into the UDK editor, open up our map again, and rebuild paths. You
    should now see that our NavMesh's geometry height has increased quite a bit,
    extending over the top of our BSP!

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