UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1



if ( bTargetLockingActive && ( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds >
LastTargetLockCheckTime + LockCheckTime ) )
LastTargetLockCheckTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// Time, in seconds, since level began play
// Checks to see if we are locked on a target

  1. As I mentioned earlier, we can only lock onto pawns. Therefore, we need a function
    to check whether or not our target is a pawn.

    • Given an potential target TA determine if we can lock on to it.

    • default, we can only lock on to pawns.
      simulated function bool CanLockOnTo(Actor TA)
      if ( (TA == None) || !TA.bProjTarget || TA.bDeleteMe ||
      (Pawn(TA) == None) || (TA == Instigator) ||
      (Pawn(TA).Health <= 0) )
      return false;
      return ( (WorldInfo.Game == None) ||
      !WorldInfo.Game.bTeamGame || (WorldInfo.GRI == None) ||
      !WorldInfo.GRI.OnSameTeam(Instigator,TA) );

  2. Once we have a locked target we need to trigger a sound, so that the player is
    aware of the lock. The whole first half of this function simply sets two variables
    to not have a target, and also plays a sound cue to notify the player that we've
    lost track of our target.

    • Used to adjust the LockTarget.
      function AdjustLockTarget(actor NewLockTarget)
      if ( LockedTarget == NewLockTarget )
      // No need to update

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