UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1
Chapter 7


  1. We need a function to draw the player's name on the screen.

* Draws the text for the pawn's name
function DrawPawnNameText()
local Vector2D TextSize, POS;
local String PlayerName;

/** Sets the player name */
PlayerName =

/** Sets the name position */
POS = CorrectedHudPOS

/** Draws the text */
Canvas.Font = TutFont;
Canvas.SetPos(0.9f *(Canvas.ClipX/2), POS.Y);
(PlayerName,,TextScale / RatioX,TextScale / RatioY);
Canvas.TextSize(PlayerName, TextSize.X, TextSize.Y);

We have a Vector2D variable to store the size of our text as well as the position
on screen. Moreover, we have a string to store our player's name.
Our name is grabbed from our PlayerController class, in our case
PlayerOwner. If you look into HUD.uc, which is what our TutorialHUD
class extends from, you'll see that PlayerOwner is a player controller, and
defined as the player controller that this HUD belongs to.
We cut the screen in half with the call to Canvas.SetPos(), which places our
text in the middle of the screen. The problem, however, is that it centers the origin
of the text, which is the top-left corner. Because of this we need to offset it slightly.
Therefore, we use the float 0.9 to compensate for this difference, as seen by the
line Canvas.SetPos(0.9f *(Canvas.ClipX/2), POS.Y);.

  1. Of course, we don't want to forget to have DrawHud() call our function either.
    It should now look like this:

    • Draws the HUD
      function DrawHUD()

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