UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1



/** Holds the image to use for the crosshair */
var Texture2D CrosshairImage;

/** Various colors */
var const color BlackColor;

/** color to use when drawing the crosshair */
var config color CrosshairColor;

We're going to use much of the same code that Epic uses for drawing the crosshair.
Rather than go through the convoluted processes of drawing the crosshair through
PostRender() and doing a number of checks, we're just going to draw the crosshair
at all times.

  1. We'll call our function, DrawWeaponCrosshair();, and begin by defining the
    local variables.

    • Draws the crosshair
      simulated function DrawWeaponCrosshair()
      local vector2d CrosshairSize;
      local float x,y,ScreenX, ScreenY;
      local MyWeapon W;
      local float TargetDist;

/** Set weapon and target distance */
W = MyWeapon(PawnOwner.Weapon);
TargetDist = W.GetTargetDistance();

/** Sets crosshair size */
CrosshairSize.Y = ConfiguredCrosshairScaling *
CrossHairCoordinates.VL * Canvas.ClipY/720;

CrosshairSize.X = CrosshairSize.Y *
( CrossHairCoordinates.UL / CrossHairCoordinates.VL );

/** Sets screen dimensions */
X = Canvas.ClipX * 0.5;
Y = Canvas.ClipY * 0.5;
ScreenX = X - (CrosshairSize.X * 0.5);
ScreenY = Y - (CrosshairSize.Y * 0.5);
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