UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1
Chapter 8


CrosshairSize = 28 * (Canvas.ClipY / 768) *
(Canvas.ClipX /1024);

// Crosshair in center of trace
Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (CrosshairSize * 0.5f),
ScreenPos.Y -(CrosshairSize * 0.5f));
CrosshairSize, CrosshairSize, 600, 262, 28, 27);

return false;

This is the same information we posted in the previous recipe, but we have an if
statement checking if our HitActor parameter is equal to None. When drawing
our trace from the weapon's socket, we check to see if we've run across any actors,
as seen by the following bit of code:
/** If we haven't hit any actors... */
if (HitActor == None )
HitActor = (HitActor == None)? None
: Pawn(HitActor.Base);
HitLocation = EndTrace;
ScreenPos = Canvas.Project(HitLocation);

If we have hit an actor of type Pawn, as seen by our typecast Pawn(HitActor.
Base), then that is our HitActor parameter, otherwise our HitActor parameter
is set to None. With that said, our function should make a bit more sense now. If we
don't hit any pawns, the crosshair will be drawn gray.

  1. But what if we do run across a pawn in our trace? Well let's add that functionality
    now, just beneath our if ((Pawn(HitActor) == None)) statement for drawing
    the gray crosshair.
    /* Draws the crosshair for friendlies - Yellow /
    CrosshairSize = 28 (Canvas.ClipY / 768)
    (Canvas.ClipX /1024);
    Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (CrosshairSize 0.5f),
    ScreenPos.Y -(CrosshairSize
    CrosshairSize, CrosshairSize, 600, 262, 28, 27);
    return true;

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