UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1
Chapter 8


  1. This occurs in our PostRender() function within our TutorialHUD class.
    Let's add the variables we'll need right now.
    local Actor HitActor;
    local Vector HitLocation, HitNormal, EyeLocation;
    local Rotator EyeRotation;

  2. A check is necessary to verify that we have a player controller, and whether we
    grab the camera location and rotation or not. This will be used for our trace.
    /*Check for pawn owner/
    if (PlayerOwner != None)
    /* Grab player camera loc & rot /
    PlayerOwner.GetPlayerViewPoint(EyeLocation, EyeRotation);

  3. The pawn's EyeLocation is where we start the trace and extend from. We check
    to see if each actor is actually a pawn, and anything else is discarded, including
    our own pawn.
    / Trace to see where player is looking. Used to ignore
    specific objects
    ForEach TraceActors(class'Actor', HitActor, HitLocation,
    HitNormal, EyeLocation + Vector(EyeRotation) *
    PlayerOwner.InteractDistance, EyeLocation,
    Vect(1.f, 1.f, 1.f),, TRACEFLAG_Bullet)
    / If the hit actor is the player owner, player
    owner's pawn or if hit actor isn't visible, ignore
    it */
    if (HitActor == PlayerOwner ||
    HitActor == PlayerOwner.Pawn ||
    !FastTrace(HitActor.Location, EyeLocation))
    /* Checks if the actor is a pawn /
    if (HitActor.IsA('Pawn'))
    Draws the 2D brackets */

If a pawn is within our trace, we then call our RenderBoundingBox() function
to draw a box around the pawn.
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