UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1

Miscellaneous Recipes


The top-right corner sets our position to use the maximum X value from our ActorBB
variable and subtract the actual width of the box, while the Y value is simply set to
the minimum size of the actor's bounding box Y variable.

We draw our rectangle next. The first parameter is the X value and determines
how thick or wide the bar appears on the sides. The second parameter, the Y
variable, does the same for the top and bottom bar. The ActualWidth variable
defines a very thin line, while a number such as 10 in the Y parameter creates a
nice thick one to stand out.

  1. Let's take a look at where we actually get our bounding box information from. This
    may look like quite a bit, but it's really just a lot of the same information repeated
    over and over. We'll create our GetBB() function, which grabs our bounding box
    dimensions from our actor.

    • Grabs bounding box around an actor
      function Box GetBB(Actor Actor)
      local Box CompBBox, OutBox;
      local Vector BoundingBoxCoords[8];
      local int i;

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