UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1



3P Mesh 24


Actor class 91
ActorComponent object 99
AI 89, 90
AI Controller 112
AIController class 89
AI pawn
adding, via Kismet 124-130
Ajax Animator 189
AmmoPosition parameter 204
ammunition 90
anchors 112
about 40
class, creating for 63-67
subarchetype, creating from 47-50
using, on occasions 46
working 41
archetypes, using
compile-time and load-time, reducing 47
multiple deviations of an actor object is
necessary 46
objects, altering within editor 46
army of companions
creating 217-220
Artificial intelligence. See AI
audio effects
adding, to prefabs 39, 40

bar, displaying
for player’s ammo 201-204
for player’s health 190-197
creating, for pickup 96-98
benefits, NavMeshes 113
benefits, WayPoints 112
bounding box
drawing, around pawns 242-250
Bullet Hit 25


Camera class 54
cameras 53, 54
canvas 190
CheckCrosshairOnFriendly() function 226,
CheckCrossHairOnFriendly() function 229
CheckTargetLock() function 155
class, creating
for archetypes 63-67
for properties 63-67
class browser, UnCodeX 11
class tree browser, UnCodeX 10
color, crosshair
modifying 230-232
Complain Friendly Fire 25
CorrectedHudPos() function
192, 197, 199, 205
CorrectedHudPOS() function 203
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