UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1
Chapter 3


  1. Right-click on Camera to display the Create Archetype pop-up. Left-click to bring
    up the dialog box for archetype options.

  2. Yours should now read as the following:

Package: Tutorial Package

Grouping: Archetypes

Name: Arc_TutorialCamera

  1. With that completed, your newly created archetype will be available to you in
    the content browser. Left-clicking on it will cause the dialog box for the camera
    properties to display, which illustrates all of the variables we exposed in our
    TutorialCameraProperty class.

  2. Hit the PIE or Play in Viewport button in your editor (F8 works too), and the pawn
    will spawn. Adjusting any of the values in your archetype will now yield new results
    for your camera!

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