UnrealScript Game Programming Cookbook

(Chris Devlin) #1
Chapter 3


  1. This next bit seems long-winded, but it is essentially one function (really, a state) that
    we are overriding from Pawn.uc. It is identical to the one found in that class, except
    that we are altering this bit of code:
    /* The only change for the side scrolling camera to this
    function. Update acceleration - pawn can only move forward and
    back now
    NewAccel.Y = -1 PlayerInput.aStrafe DeltaTime 100

/** Set to 0 to not allow movement on the X or Z axes */
NewAccel.X = 0;
NewAccel.Z = 0;

This controls the movement of our pawn, based on the direction it is facing. Hitting
the left and right (or A and D) keys on the keyboard will now force your pawn to move
forward and back across the screen. Previously, you would have to hit the up and
down keys to make the pawn move forward and back.
Moreover, setting NewAccel to 0 on both the X and Z axes prevents the pawn from
strafing left and right. With our plane of movement locked, we can now create a true

  1. In the following code, we are overriding the state, PlayerWalking, found in the
    PlayerController.uc class. Our goal is to update the acceleration to allow only
    forward/back movement.

    • Player movement, overriding the one found in

    • We are updating the acceleration to allow for only
      forward/back movement
      state PlayerWalking
      ignores SeePlayer, HearNoise, Bump;

function PlayerMove(floatDeltaTime)
localvector X,Y,Z, NewAccel;
localeDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove;
localrotator OldRotation;
localbool bSaveJump;
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