
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

PHOTOGRAPHY:``````ALDWIN ASPILLERA.``````RECIPES AND STYLING:``````RACHELLE SANTOS.http://www.yummy.ph 102 December 2016(^1)Pickan appleChoose smallsweet-tart applesto balance out thecoating’s sweetness.Wash and dry themcompletely. Twiststems to removethem then pushpopsicle sticks intothe stem-ends.(^2)Coat itwith somegoodnessCARAMELAttach a candy thermometer to a medium, heavy-bottomedsaucepan. Add 1 cup sugar, ¾ cup heavy cream, ½ cup(1 stick) unsalted butter, and ½ teaspoon salt. Whisk andVœœŽœÛiÀ…ˆ}……i>Ì՘̈Ìi“«iÀ>ÌÕÀiÀi}ˆÃÌiÀÃÓ{È ̈­wÀ“ball stage). Turn heat off and carefully add ¼ cup heavycream and ½ teaspoon vanilla extract. Dip prepared applesinto mixture, turning to coat and letting excess drip off. Usea spoon to baste hard-to-reach spots. Coat bottoms with«ÀiviÀÀi̜««ˆ˜}Ã]«ÀiÃȘ}wÀ“Þ̜>…iÀi°Makes 8.Transform the tart fruit into an irresistible sweet treat!You can wrap them up and give them as gifts.CANDIED APPLESFood director Rachelle Santosshares ways to gussy up old favoritesGranny SmithGalaFujiTrail MixMilk chocolatecoating +chopped driedmangoes+ crushedcashew nutsSalty-Sweet,Crunchy-ChewyDark chocolatecoating + crushedpretzels + minimarshmallows

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