
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

http://www.yummy.ph 30 December 2016PHOTOGRAPHY:``````TOTO LABRADOR.``````STYLING:``````ANNA FELIPE.``````PORTRAIT:``````BOIZEI MALICDEM.``````BY JOEY DE LARRAZABAL-BLANCO``````Joey de Larrazabal-Blancostarted cooking out of absolutenecessity—a continent awayfrom home with no one to feedher. Today, she happily cooks forher husband and two young kids.Follow her gastronomic exploitson 80breakfasts.blogspot.com.This month, instead of sharinga new dish to make forNoche Buena, I thought ofsharing something creative:a simple recipe to breathenew life into your holidayleftovers. Huevos rotos (broken eggs inSpanish) is one of my favorites. Simpleand comforting, it’s the perfect base forleftover holiday ham. The saltiness ofpork goes really well with the starchycreaminess of eggs and potatoes.The amount of ham you can add toWKLVGLVKLVYHU\ÀH[LEOH²\RXFDQXVHwhatever you have in the fridge. As forthe potatoes, you can chop them upto your preferred size; just rememberthat the bigger the chunk, the longerit will take to cook. You can add moreherbs and spices, too. I suggest a littlepimenton de la Vera (Spanish smokedpaprika) sprinkled on the ham.The best thing about this dish is thatit’s just the thing to eat on ChristmasPRUQLQJ²ZKLOH\RX¶UHVWLOOLQ\RXUpajamas, snuggled on your sofa, andcounting the blessings you receivedthis year. Wishing you all the best thisholiday season!HUEVOS ROTOS WITHLEFTOVER HOLIDAY HAMServes 2Prep Time 5 minutesCooking Time 20 minutes`````` 4 tablespoons olive oil 3 medium potatoes (about500 grams), cut into medium cubes 150 to 200 grams leftover holidayham, chopped sea salt 3 large eggs, separated V…ˆˆy>ŽiÃ>˜`w˜iÞV…œ««i`}Àii˜onions, to garnish``````1 Heat oil in a skillet (large enough for>Ì…i«œÌ>̜iÃ̜ẅ˜œ˜i>ÞiÀ®œÛiÀmedium high heat.2 Add potatoes and cook, turningoccasionally to avoid scorching, until``````golden outside and soft inside, about10 to 15 minutes.3 When potatoes are cooked, add hamand sauté for 2 minutes or just untilwarmed through. Season to taste withsea salt.4 Add egg whites and toss quicklyto distribute evenly to potatoes andham. Sauté just until egg whites arecooked through.5 Remove pan from heat and addegg yolks. Toss quickly to distributeyolks evenly. Let yolks cook in theresidual heat of the pan, making surethey remain creamy, just clinging tothe potatoes. Season to taste with seaÃ>Ì°>À˜ˆÃ…܈̅V…ˆˆy>ŽiÃ>˜`}Àii˜onions. Serve immediately.``````ABOUT THECOLUMNIST``````HAVELEFTOVER ROASTPOTATOES, TOO?Use them to make thisdish. Heat them in oliveoil to get the sidesbrown and toasty.

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