34 December 2016PHOTOGRAPHY:``````PATRICK MARTIRES.``````STYLING:``````PAULYNN CHANG AFABLE.``````PORTRAIT:``````BOIZEI MALICDEM.``````BY SHARLENE TAN``````ave you noticed that we have so many rice varieties in the market today? There’s long-grain wild rice, black rice, and even rice made of corn!You can use these different kinds for different recipes. Some ideas: Make a cold salad, cook a sweet and creamy pudding, and whip up asticky rice cake.The recipe I am sharing with you is a different take on mixed fried rice. I usually associate mixed rice with grains tossed in high heat withlots of oil. This version, however, is healthy, delicious, and best of all, easy to make! The black rice gives the dish a slightly nutty texture, andPDNHVLWORRNH[WUDVSHFLDO²SHUIHFWIRUWKHKROLGD\V&RRNLQJULFHLQEURWKLQVWDQWO\DGGVH[WUDÀDYRU,OLNHXVLQJFKLFNHQEURWKWRNHHSWKHÀDYRUVEDODQFHGDQGDGGLQJPLQFHGIUHVKKHUEVOLNHWK\PHWRJLYHLWDGHHSHUSUR¿OH:LWKLQJUHGLHQWVOLNHZDOQXWVSHDUVDQGFUDQEHUULHVin the mix, this will surely be a hit this Christmas season. Serve it with turkey or roast pork, and include other delicious sides for a fabulousfeast. Happy holidays!
ABOUT THECOLUMNISTA food stylist by professionand one of the brains behindThe Clubhouse in RobinsonsMagnolia, Sharlene Tanspends most of her timetesting and tasting recipes,dining out, teaching friendshow to cook, and stylingfood for the camera. Visit herwebsite at or follow her onInstagram @theshartan.BLACK RICE WITHCRANBERRIES,PEARS, ANDWALNUTSServes 5Prep Time 10 minutesCooking Time 40 minutes`````` 2 cups organic black rice 1 chicken bouillon cube ¼ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons olive oil £i`Õ]V
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««i`wiÞ 2 pears, peeled, halved,cored, and diced 2 teaspoons minced freshthyme leaves ¦|³ cup chopped toasted walnuts ½ cup sweeteneddried cranberries``````1 Combine rice, bouillon cube,3½ cups water, and salt in a mediumsaucepan over medium-high heat.Bring to a boil. Reduce heat tolow, then cover and cook until riceis tender, about 30 to 40 minutes.Transfer to a large bowl.2 While rice is cooking, heat oil in apan. Sauté onions and celery untilsoft. Add pears and cook for 2 to3 minutes. Turn off heat, then toss inthyme, walnuts, and cranberries.3 Add mixture to cooked riceand toss until ingredients are wellcombined. Serve warm.
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)