
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

http://www.yummy.ph 36 December 2016PHOTOGRAPHY:``````ALDWIN ASPILLERA.``````PROP STYLING:``````IDGE MENDIOLA.``````PORTRAIT:``````BOIZEI MALICDEM.``````ortion control and smart food choices become tricky during this time of the year when the buffet and dessert tables beckon. The good news?You don’t have to completely abandon your good eating habits just because the holidays are here. My trick is to make my own naughty-but-nice treats so I have something to satisfy my sweet tooth.I love cookie dough, and in this recipe, I make dough balls extra festive by dipping them in melted chocolate. I keep this dessert healthyE\XVLQJZKROHZKHDWÀRXUDQGFRFRQXWVXJDU²ERWKZKROHVRPHDOWHUQDWLYHVWRWKHLUZKLWHDQGUH¿QHGFRXQWHUSDUWV,DOVRXVHJRRGquality dark chocolate because it curbs sugar cravings. Malagos chocolate from Davao is my coating of choice, but you can use your favoriteEUDQGWRR,I\RXFDQ¶W¿QGGDLU\IUHHFKRFRODWHFKLSVVLPSO\FKRSXSDGDLU\IUHHGDUNFKRFRODWHEDULQWRFKXQNV5HPHPEHUWKDWVLQFHWKHFKRFRODWHFRDWLQJLVQRWWHPSHUHGWKHWUXIÀHVPXVWEHNHSWLQWKHIULGJHRUIUHH]HU0DNHWKLVIXQWUHDWWKLVSDUW\VHDVRQDQGOHW\RXUguests enjoy a guilt-free sweet treat!``````BY MARIE GONZALEZABOUT THECOLUMNISTMarie Gonzalez is themastermind behind KitchenRevolution, a companyspecializing in plant-basedcooking classes. Shegraduated from New York’sNatural Gourmet Instituteand completed CornellUniversity’s Plant-basedNutrition program. Head tohttp://www.kitchenrevolution.ph toread about her advocacy.Makes 19 piecesPrep Time 15 minutes,plus freezing timeCooking Time 5 minutes`````` 3 tablespoons virgincoconut oil ¦|³ cup coconut orbrown sugar ¼ teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 teaspoons ՘y>ۜÀi`ÜޓˆŽ ÏVի܅œi‡Ü…i>ÌyœÕÀ(we used Bob’s Red Millfrom Healthy Options) 3 tablespoons mini dairy-free chocolate chips`````` 150 grams dairy-free darkchocolate, chopped``````1 Combine oil, sugar,salt, vanilla, and soy milkin a mixing bowl untilӜœÌ…°-̈Àˆ˜yœÕÀ>˜`chocolate chips; mix untilwell combined.2 Scoop heapingteaspoonfuls of dough androll into 1-inch balls. Placeon a parchment paper-linedtray and freeze for 5 to10 minutes.3 Place chopped chocolatein a clean, dry heatproofbowl and place bowl on top``````of a small saucepan of waterover low heat, making surethe bottom of the bowldoes not touch the water.Stir chocolate until melted.(You can also microwavethe chocolate in 15 to20 second bursts untilmelted, stirring betweenintervals.) Cool to roomtemperature.4 Transfer melted chocolateto a glass bowl. Using twoforks, dip dough balls inchocolate, allowing excessto drip off. Place on thelined tray.5 ,ivÀˆ}iÀ>ÌiÌÀÕvyiÃ՘̈set, at least 10 minutes,LivœÀiÃiÀۈ˜}°­/…iÌÀÕvyiÃwill keep in the refrigeratorfor 1 week, or in the freezerfor 2 to 3 months.)COOKIE DOUGH TRUFFLESWHERETO SHOP9œÕV>˜w˜`܅œi‡Ü…i>ÌyœÕÀ>˜``>ˆÀއvÀiiV…œVœ>Ìiˆ˜…i>Ì…vœœ`Ã̜ÀiÃ>˜`ëiVˆ>ÌÞL>Žˆ˜}Ŝ«Ã°

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