71 December 2016Citrus, Garlic, and&±ģÖ±±Ī±``````Heat 1 cup olive oil. Place1½ teaspoons chopped garlicin a clean airtight lidded jar. Pourin ¼ cup heated oil; allow to coolfor 10 minutes. Layer ½ cup fetacheese cubes, 2 thin seededlemon slices, 2 thin seededorange slices, 4 fresh thymesprigs, and 6 pitted black olivesÌ
i>À°*ÕÀÀiÌw>À°Cover and chill for 3 days to allowy>ÛÀÃÌvÕÃi°/
>ÜLivÀiserving. Serves 4.``````Ö±±Ī±NÚëÚ±ðĻùXĘŅ|ģ±Ī``````Preheat oven to 325°F. LineL>}Ã
iÌ«>«iÀ°Li½ cup choppedcanned pimiento (drained),1 teaspoon mustard powder,¼ teaspoon sweet paprika,and EWRUCNNRWTRQUGƃQWT;set aside. Mix 2½ cups gratedcheddar cheese, ½ cup butter(softened), and 1 teaspoon saltÕÌLi`i`°À>`Õ>Þ>``yÕÀÝÌÕÀi>`ÝÕÃÌÕÌVLi`°/ÕÀÕÌÌ>yÕÀi`surface. Divide into 4 portions>`y>ÌÌii>V
Ì>ÃμÕ>Ài°,Õ̦| 8 V
iiÌð>ivÀ£xÌÓäÕÌiðV«iÌiÞLivÀiÃÌÀ}>airtight container. Serves 4 to 6.``````ĪĎģ±ĪĪù&÷Ļ"Ņ¦Í±X|Ņ±``````Boil water in a medium pot.Remove from heat and cool forÓÕÌiðLi200 gramsunsweetened chocolate squaresand ½ cup butter>LÜ°*>ViLÜÛiÀ«Ìv
water. Stir constantly until smoothand runny. Add 2 cups sugar and3 tablespoons instant coffee;Ü
ÃÕÌLi`i`°Ƃ``1 cupmilk; continue mixing until sugar
>Ã`ÃÃÛi`°/À>ÃviÀÝÌÕÀiÌa clean lidded jar. Chill for at least£
ÕÀLivÀiÕÃ}°,ivÀ}iÀ>ÌivÀÕ«ÌÓÜiiðServes 4 to 6.``````lÖÚĻ±ÖģÚĪĻë|Ĭ|ģã``````Line an 8x8-inch pan withparchment paper. Boil waterin a medium pot. Remove fromheat and cool for 2 minutes. Place500 grams white chocolatechips or squares >LÜ>`set it over the pot of hot water,>}ÃÕÀiLÜ`iÃÌÌÕV
water. Stir constantly until melted>`ÃÌ
°iÌÞÃÌÀ¼ cupshelled roasted pistachios and¼ cup dried cranberries. Pourinto prepared pan and spreadiÛiÞ°-«Ài¼ cup shelledroasted pistachios and ¼ cupdried cranberries on top. ChillvÀÎäÕÌiÃÀÕÌÃiÌ°Ài>into pieces. Store in an airtightcontainer for up to 3 days.Serves 4 to 6.
F÷ŅģgÚÈsfrom your kitchenTake the time and effortto whip up presents fromscratch. They’re moreprecious than anythingmoney can buy.``````OH, FUDGE!Drizzle the fudge overice cream, or use itas a dip for fruits,ViÃ]>`*Þkakaninisuman.``````PHOTOGRAPHY:
1 ƂƂ "°RECIPES:,-/Ƃ "Ƃ°STYLING:``````*Ƃ19 Ƃ ƂƂ°
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)