
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

http://www.yummy.ph 81 December 20161 “Adobo” socks,P349 per pair,Proppy (for theEHQH¿WRI&KRVHQ&KLOGUHQ9LOODJHFoundation)``````2 Hand and bodywash in kiwiOHPRQJUHHQDSSOHFXFXPEHUDQGDORHJUHHQWHDP210 each; handFUHDPLQNLZL3PXVFOHUHOLHIUXELQJUHHQWHD3DOOIURP0HVV\%HVV\``````3 ³3LxD&RODGD ́“Sweet Surprise,”“Acorns,” and“Sweet Notes”FDUGDQGJLIWWDJsets; start at P575;3ULQWVRQDOLWLHV[$OH[(GXTXHGino Gonzalez xChosen ChildrenVillage FoundationChef Gino Gonzalez,together with Proppy Socks,created a line of adobo-inspired printed socks, theproceeds of which will bedonated to the ChosenChildren Village Foundation,which cares for mentally andphysically disabled childrenby offering them therapy,education, and shelter.Messy BessyMessy Bessy is a line ofhousehold and groomingproducts that are all-natural,and free from chemicals andabrasive artificial ingredients.Together with the HelpingOurselves ThroughSustainable Enterprises(HOUSE) Foundation,Messy Bessy works withat-risk youth by offeringthem livelihood andscholarship programs.``````Printsonalities xMovEdPrintsonalities founder ChiwBailon and MovEd founder AlexM. Eduque worked togetherto produce Printsonalities’sChic Metropole and Inspiréestationery lines. Proceeds godirectly to MovEd, a nonprofitorganization that providescare and education tounderprivileged children, andfosters a sense of hope andpassion for learning.``````THEGIFTS``````Gifts that ensure a brighter futurefor underprivileged childrenChild’s playThe makers

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