
(Marty) #1

Coming home

the late ’90s,ayoung South
African made her way to the
South African Embassy in
Trafalgar Square, London, the site of many
anti-apartheid demonstrations. Angel Jones joined
acheering crowd to hear Nelson Mandela speak, and
one particular message stuck in her mind. ‘I love
each and every one of you,’ he said. ‘I would like to
put each and every one of you into my pocket and
return with you to South Africa.’
Still filled with Madiba euphoria, Angel went
back to work (at ad agency Abel) and wrote these
words onapost-it: ‘Homecoming Revolution’.
After graduating from UCT,Angel had headed
for London to get international work and life
experience. ‘I always knew it was temporary,that
Iwould come back to South Africa. It was always
home to me.Icame back every Christmas.’



12 Fairlady/September 2019

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