Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1
NextRow:(RS IncRow) K1, M1R,
workas estto end.
RepIncRoweveryother row 6 (8,
10, 10, 11, 12)moretimes – 78 (80,
Caston 2 sts at begof next RS row
80 (82,85,108,109, 112) sts.
Workevenuntilpiece measures
2.5(4, 4, 5, 5, 5) cmfrom end of
Completeas for Backfrom ** to **.

Blockpiecesto measurements.
Sewrightshoulder/upper arm
seam,matchingBack neck marker
to Frontneckshaping.

With5mmcircularneedle and RSF,

beg at left side of Front neck edge,
pick up and knit 42 (42, 50, 50, 54,
62) evenly around front neck edge,
and 36 (36, 40, 40, 42, 48) sts
along Back neck edge – 78 (78, 90,
90, 96, 110) sts.
Do not join; work back and forth
in rows. Stst until collar measures
Cast off loosely all sts.
Sew left shoulder/upper arm/collar

With 5mm (US 8) straight needles,
pick up and knit 54 (54, 58, 74, 74,
76) sts evenly across sleeve edge.
Work 11 rows Stst, end with a
WS row.
Next Row: (RS – Dec Row) K1, ssk,

k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Rep Dec Row every 10 rows once
more – 50 (50, 54, 70, 70, 72) sts.
Stst even until piece measures
18cm from picked-up sts.
Cast off all sts.

Rep for other sleeve.

Sew sleeve/side seams. Note that
lower body and sleeves should be
allowed to roll up approximately

Yarns available.

Wentworth Distributors NZ Ltd
Free Phone NZ: 0800 738 998
Free Phone AU: 1800 150 542

Side-to-Side Cabled Pullover

Chart 2
Free download pdf