Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Using 5.50mm needles and double
strand of main colour cast on 76sts
Work 10 rows in knit (garter St)
Next row: k2, p2rep* to end
of row
Repeat last row 3 times more (4
rows of rib in total)
Begin instep shaping as follows
Row 1: K35, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k35.
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K34, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k34
Row 4: P33, SSP, P2, P2tog, P33.
Row 5: K32, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k32.
Row 6: P31, SSP, P2, P2tog, P31.
Row 7: K30, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k30.
Row 8: P29, SSP, P2, P2tog, P29.
Row 9: K28, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k28

Row 10: P27, SSP, P2, P2tog, P27.
Row 11: K26, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k26.
Row 12: P25, SSP, P2, P2tog, P25.
Row 13: K24, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k24.
Row 14: P23, SSP, P2, P2tog, P23.
Row15: K22, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k22.
Row 16: P21,SSP, P2, P2tog, P21.
Row 17: K20, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k20.
Row 18: P19, SSP, P2, P2tog, P19.
Row 19: K18, Slip1, k1, psso, K2,
k2tog, k18.
Row 20: P17, SSP, P2, P2tog, P17.
Knit 4 rows (garter st).
Next row: * k2, p2*rep* to end
of row.
Repeat last row 4 times more
(5 rows of rib in total).
Knit 4 rows (garter st).

With 8mm needle Cast off loosely
with wrong side facing.

PANsy EmbEllishmENT
(mAkE 2)
With 4mm crochet hook and
Golden yellow wool 2chain,
Work 5dc in 2nd chain from hook.
Join with a sl st in first dc.
Fasten off
Round 1: Using deep aubergine
sl st into 1dc, 1ch, *2dc in same
space, (6ch, 2dc in next dc) 4
times, 6ch, sl st into first dc. (5 ch
Round 2: *Slip st in next
space,(1dc, 1htr, 1tr, {1ch,1tr}10
times, 1tr, 1htr, 1dc) in same space.
rep from* once. Break off yarn
Round3: Joinin lilac*slstinto
1htr,1dc)in samespace,rep

from * twice more then working
into deep Aubergine petals *dc
in each of next 3 sts, 1dc in each
of next 10 1ch spaces, 1dc in
each of next 3sts, rep from* once
across second large petal, sl st
into first dc of round 3.
Fasten off.

Make a further two Pansy
Embellishments working Round
2 in Cherry and Round 3 Deep

Sew up centre back and sole.
Attach Pansy Embellishment as
illustrated. Sew in all ends.

450 HighSt
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