Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Row 6: P2 (1, 4, 3), sl 1, P3, rep
to last 3 (2, 5, 4) sts, sl 1,
P2 (1, 4, 3).
Row 7 and 8: Knit.
These 8 rows form patt.
Cont in patt until work measures
20 (24, 28, 32) cm from beg,
working last row on wrong side.
Cast off all sts, placing coloured
threads either side of centre 21
(23, 25, 27) sts to indicate back
neck and shoulders.

lEfT fronT
Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 19
(23, 27, 27) sts.
Row 1: K2, P2, K2, rep from to
last st, K1.
Row 2: K1, P2, * K2, P2, rep from

  • to end.
    These 2 rows form rib.
    Work a further 5 rows rib.
    Row 8: Rib 2 (3, 6, 3), M1, rib
    5 (8, 14, 5), M1, rep from
    to last
    2 (4, 7, 4) sts, rib to end. 23 (26, 29,

  1. sts.
    Change to 4.00mm needles and
    beg patt.
    Row 1: (right side) K4 (3, 2, 1),
    sl 1, K3, rep from
    to last 3 sts,
    sl 1, K2.
    Row 2: P2, sl 1, P3, rep from to
    last 5 (4, 3, 2) sts, sl 1, P4 (3, 2, 1).
    Row 3 and 4: Knit.
    Row 5: K2 (1, 4, 3), sl 1, K3, rep
    to last st, K1.
    Row 6: P4, sl 1, P3, rep from to
    last 3 (2, 5, 4) sts, sl 1, P2 (1, 4, 3).
    Row 7 and 8: Knit.
    These 8 rows form patt.
    Cont in patt until there are 11 (11,
    13, 13) rows less than Back to final
    cast, off, working last row on right

Shape neck
Keeping patt correct, cast off 4 (5,
5, 6) sts at beg of next row. 19 (21,
24, 26) sts.
Dec one st at neck edge in next 5
rows, then in foll alt row 0 (0, 1, 1)
times. 14 (16, 18, 20) sts.
Work 5 rows.

Cast off rem sts for shoulder.

rIGHT fronT
Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 19
(23, 27, 27) sts.
Row 1: K3, * P2, K2, rep from * to
Row 2: P2, * K2, P2, rep from * to
last st, K1.
These 2 rows form rib.
Work a further 5 rows rib.
Row 8: Rib 2 (3, 6, 3), M1, * rib
5 (8, 14, 5), M1, rep from * to last
2 (4, 7, 4) sts, rib to end. 23 (26, 29,
32) sts.
Change to 4.00mm needles and
beg patt.
Row 1: (right side) K2, * sl 1, K3, rep
from * to last 5 (4, 3, 2) sts, sl 1,
K4 (3, 2, 1).
Row 2: P4 (3, 2, 1), * sl 1, P3, rep
from * to last 3 sts, sl 1, P2.
Row 3 and 4: Knit.
Row 5: K4, * sl 1, K3, rep from * to
last 3 (2, 5, 4) sts, sl 1, K2 (1, 4, 3).
Row 6: P2 (1, 4, 3), * sl 1, P3, rep
from * to last st, P1.
Row 7 and 8: Knit.
These 8 rows form patt.
Cont in patt until there are 12 (12,
14, 14) rows less than Back to
final cast, off, working last row on
wrong side.

Shape neck
Keeping patt correct, cast off 4 (5,
5, 6) sts at beg of next row. 19 (21,
24, 26) sts.
Work 1 row.
Dec one st at neck edge in next 5
rows, then in foll alt row 0 (0, 1, 1)
times. 14 (16, 18, 20) sts.
Work 5 rows.
Cast off rem sts for shoulder.

Using 3.25mm needles, cast on
30 (30, 34, 34) sts.
Work 5 rows rib as for Back.
Row 6: Rib 5 (3, 6, 3), M1, * rib
10 (6, 11, 7), M1, rep from * to last
5 (3, 6, 3) sts, rib to end. 33 (35, 37,
39) sts.

Change to 4.00mm needles and
beg patt.
Row 1: K4 (1, 2, 3), * sl 1, K3, rep
from * to last 5 (2, 3, 4) sts, sl 1,
K4 (1, 2, 3).
Row 2: P4 (1, 2, 3), * sl 1, P3, rep
from * to last 5 (2, 3, 4) sts, sl 1,
P4 (1, 2, 3).
Row 3: Inc in first st, knit to last st,
inc in last st. 35 (37, 39, 41) sts.
Row 4: Knit.
Row 5: K3 (4, 5, 2), * sl 1, K3, rep
from * to last 4 (5, 6, 3) sts, sl 1,
K3 (4, 5, 2).
Row 6: P3 (4, 5, 2), * sl 1, P3, rep
from * to last 4 (5, 6, 3) sts, sl 1,
P3 (4, 5, 2).
Row 7: Inc in first st, knit to last st,
inc in last st. 37 (39, 41, 43) sts.
Row 8: Knit.
These 8 rows form patt, noting
that sts have been increased.
Cont in patt and working extra
sts into patt, inc one st at each
end of 3rd row, then in every
foll 4th row until there are 49
(53, 53, 47) sts, Sizes 3, 6 and 6,
12 months only – then in every
foll 6th row until there are (57,
61) sts.

All sizes
Cont without further shaping until
work measures 13 (14, 17, 21) cm
from beg, working last row on
wrong side.
Cast off.

Using mattress st, join shoulder
seams. With right side facing and
using 4.00mm needles, beg and
ending 3 sts in from front opening
edges, knit up 13 (14, 16, 17) sts
evenly along right side of front
neck, 21 (23, 25, 27) sts across
back neck, then 13 (14, 16, 17) sts
evenly along left side of neck. 47
(51, 57, 61) sts.
Row 1: P3 (5, 5, 7), inc in next st, *
P2, inc in next st, rep from * to last
4 (6, 6, 8) sts, purl to end. 61 (65,
73, 77) sts.

beg patt
Row 1: K2, * sl 1, K3, rep from * to
last 3 sts, sl 1, K2.
Row 2: P2, * sl 1, P3, rep from * to
last 3 sts, sl 1, P2.
Row 3 and 4: Knit.
Row 5: K4, * sl 1, K3, rep from * to
last st, K1.
Row 6: P4, * sl 1, P3, rep from * to
last st, P1.
Row 7 and 8: Knit.
These 8 rows form patt for Hood.
Cont in patt until Hood measures
15 (16, 17, 18) cm from beg, working
last row on wrong side.
Keeping patt correct, cast off 20
(21, 24, 25) sts at beg of next 2
rows. 21 (23, 25, 27) sts.
Work a further 8 (9, 10, 11) cm
on these 21 (23, 25, 27) sts for
centre section, working last row
on wrong side.
Cast off.
Join cast off sts to sides edges of
centre section.

Right front band for girl or left front
band for boy

4, 5, 6, 7 x 50gm balls Patons
Dreamtime 8 ply colour 2957

3.25mm knitting needles
4.00mm knitting needles
5 buttons
Wool sewing needle

24 sts by 36 rows = 10 cm over
patt, using 4.00mm needles

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