Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

1-k2tog-psso, k6 , rep from to
6 (7) more times.
Work 1 row.
Decrease Row (RS)
k4, Sl
1-k2tog-psso, k5 , rep from to
6 (7) more times.
Work 1 row.
Decrease Row (RS)
k3, Sl
1-k2tog-psso, k4 , rep from to
6 (7) more times.
Work 1 row.
Decrease Row (RS)
k2, Sl
1-k2tog-psso, k3 , rep from to
6 (7) more times.
Work 1 row.
Decrease Row (RS)
k1, Sl
1-k2tog-psso, k2 , rep from to
6 (7) more times.
Work 1 row.
Decrease Row (RS)
Sl 1-k2tog-
psso, k1 , rep from to * 6 (7)
more times.
Work 1 row – 12 (14) sts.
(RS) Cont in K1, P1 rib.
Work 6 rows even.
Bind off all sts.

Bow is made of 2 ribbons and one
central strip.
For the lower ribbon cast on (a) 22
sts and work in St st 4 rows, then
bind off all sts.
For the upper ribbon cast on (a) 16
sts and work in St st 6 rows, then
bind off all sts.
For the strip cast on (a) 4 sts and
work in St st 10 rows, then bind off
all sts.
Place the upper ribbon on top
of the lower ribbon aligning the
Wind the strip around the centre
of both ribbons and close in back
into a ring.
Strip work 4 twirled sts in (B) and 1
twirled st in (C).

Join seam. Sew a rhinestone
into center of each diamond
and bow at the bottom of one

in (a) cast on 58 (66) sts. Begin
K2, P2 rib. Work 8 rows, end with a
WS row.
(RS) K1, P1 rib 7 (11) sts; Diamond
patt 18 sts; St st 8 sts; Diamond
patt 18 sts; K1, P1 rib 7 (11) sts.
Work until piece measures 74,5
(84,5) cm from beg, end with
a WS row and 22nd row from
Diamond Pattern.
Cont in K2, P2 rib for 8 rows, then
bind off all sts.

Repeat bow instructions as
previous for beret.

Sew the ribbon between the first
and the second vertical diamond
of a series of diamonds.
Sew a rhinestone in the centre of
the 2 diamonds.

Yarns available.

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Rows 3-30 rep

Diamond Pattern

Grey Coat, beret and sCarf

Free download pdf