Creative Knitting - AU (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Repeat last 2 rows 9 (10) more
times – 24 sts.
Work even until Raglans measure
12 (13) cm from beg.
Bind off rem sts.

In (B) cast on 40 (42) sts.
(RS) Begin K1, P1 rib. Work for
1.5cm, end with a WS row.
(RS) Cont in (A) change to K2, P2
rib, beg row with k2. Work 2 row,
end with a WS row.
Buttonhole row (RS) Work 23
(25) sts, k2tog, yo, work 10 sts, yo,
k2tog, work last 3 sts.
Work 19 (21) rows even.
Repeat last 20 (22) rows 3 more
times, AT THE SAME TIME, work
even until piece measures 3cm
from beg, end with a WS row. (RS)
Cont in Rev Stst.
Work even until piece measures
15 (16) cm from beg, end with a
WS row.
(RS) Stst 7 (8) sts, Rev Stst 33
(34) sts.
Work even until piece measures
16 (17) cm from beg, end with a
WS row.

Shape Raglan
Next row: (RS) Bind off 4 (5) sts at
beg of next row – 36 (37) sts.
Work 1 row.
Dec Row (RS) K2, SKP, work to
Work 1 row.
Repeat last 2 rows 12 (13) more
times – 23 sts.
Dec Row (RS) K2, SKP, work to
Work 3 rows even.
Repeat last 4 rows 1 more time –
21 sts.
Work even until Raglan measures
7 (9) cm from beg, end with a RS

Shape Neck
Next row: (WS) Bind off 10 sts at
beg of next row – 11 sts.
Dec Row: (RS), Work to last 2 sts,
Dec Row: (WS), K2tog, work to end.

Repeat last 2 rows 3 more times

  • 3 sts.
    Work even until Raglan measures
    12 (13) cm from beg. Bind off.

Work as for Left Front, omitting
buttonholes and reversing all
Work Raglan shaping at beg of WS
rows, Neck shaping at beg of RS
Raglan shaping Dec Row (RS), purl
until last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Neck shaping Dec Row (RS), p2tog
and work to end.

In (B) cast on 34 (38) sts.
(RS) Work in K1, P1 rib.
Work until piece measures 1.5cm,
end with a WS row.
(RS) In (A) change to K2, P2 rib,
beg row with k2.
Work even until piece measures
3cm from beg.
(RS) Change to Rev Stst.
Work even until piece measures
5cm from beg, end with a WS row.

Shape Sleeve
Next row: (RS) P2, M1P, work to
last 2 sts, M1P, P2.
Work 5 rows even.
Rep last 8 rows 3 more times –
42 (46) sts.
Work even until piece measures
16 (17) cm from beg, end with a
WS row.
(RS) Stst 7 (8) sts, Rev Stst 28
(30) sts, Stst 7 (8) sts.
Work even until piece measures
17 (18) cm from beg, end with a
WS row.

Shape Raglans
(RS) Bind off 4 (5) sts at beg of
next 2 rows – 34 (36) sts.
Dec Row (RS) K2, SKP, work to last
4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Work 1 row.
Repeat last 2 rows 11 (12) more
times – 10 sts.
Dec Row (RS) K2, SKP, work to last
4 sts, k2tog, k2.

Work 3 rows even.
Repeat last 4 rows 1 more time

  • 6 sts.
    (RS) K2, SKP, k2 – 5 sts.
    Work even until piece measures 29
    (31) cm from beg. Bind off rem sts.

In (A) cast on 56 (60) sts.
(RS) Rev Stst 26 (28) sts, Stst 4
sts, Rev Stst 26 (28) sts.
Work 1 row.
(RS) Rev Stst 26 (28) sts, M1K,
Stst 4 sts, M1K, Rev Stst 26
(28) sts.
Work 7 rows even.
Repeat last 8 rows 4 more times
and work inc’s after first and before
last Stst – 66 (70) sts.
Work even until piece measures
17 (18) cm from beg, end with a
WS row.
(RS) Break yarn. Leave first 26
(28) sts on 1st holder and last 26
(28) sts on 2nd holder. Work over
centre 14 sts as foll: K13, SKP using
last of centre sts and first st from
second holder, turn.
(WS) Purl 13 sts, purl last st tog
with 1st st from 1st holder, turn.
Repeat last 2 rows 4 more times –
56 (60) sts.
(RS) Slip the first st of the 1st
holder on LH needle and knit
tog with the first central st,
k12, SKP with the last central
st and the first st of the 2nd
holder, turn.
(WS) Slip the first st of the 2nd
holder on LH needle and purl tog
through back loop with the first
central st, p12, purl tog the last
central st with the first st of the
1st holder.
Rep these 2 rows 10 (12) times
more – 16 sts.
Work even until piece measures
29 (31) cm from beg, then bind off
rem sts.

PATcheS (MAKe 2):
In (B) cast on 4 sts.
(RS) Work K1, M1K, work to last st
M1K, k1.
Work 1 row.

Repeat last2 rows4 moretimes

  • 14 sts.
    Work even until piece measures
    4cm from beg, end with a WS row.
    (RS) SKP, k10, k2tog.
    Work 1 row.

continued ...
Special abbreviations
M1K: M1 knitwise: Lift strand
between needles to left-hand
needle and knit it through the
back loop, twisting it.
M1P: M1 purlwise: Lift strand
between needles to left-hand
needle and knit it through the
back loop, twisting it.
SKP: Slip 1, knit 1, psso – Slip
1 stitch knitwise to right-hand
needle without working it and
hold yarn at back, knit next
stitch, using left-hand needle
pass the slipped stitch over
the knit stitch.
C4F (Cable 4 Front): Slip 2 sts
to cable needle and hold in
front, k2, k2 from cable needle.
C4B (Cable 4 Back): Slip 2 sts
to cable needle and hold at
back, k2, k1 from cable needle.
Selv: Slip first st to right-hand
needle knitwise, without
working it, and hold at back; at
row end, knit last stitch.

hooded jacket: 18 sts and
28 rows = 10 cm in Stocking
stitch with 4 strands worked
together on 5mm needles.
cap: 27 sts and 36 rows =
10cm in Stocking stitch with
2 strands of yarn on 3.5mm
32 sts and 35 rows = 10cm in
Cable Pattern with 2 strands
of yarn.
Playsuit: 26 sts and 36 rows
= 10cm in Stocking stitch with
2 strands togetheron 3.5mm

BaBy Outfit

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