Scientific American_September_October 2019, Volume 30, Number 5

(singke) #1

If you ask the average person “Do you know your true self? ” you might prompt in him or her a wave of
anxiety. And no wonder. From the moment we’re born we are constantly told “to be authentic,” “you do you”
and “you are one of a kind.” But studies show that people struggle to define their real selves (even to them-
selves). We seem to identify with, and want to present to the world, the most admirable versions of our-
selves—the kindest, the most generous and compassionate—but where does that leave the less savory
(read: human) aspects of our personality? Rather than spiraling into a pit of shame about our nonvirtuous
character traits, Scott Barry Kaufman advises in “Authenticity under Fire” that we embrace the whole pack-
age: the good, the bad, the ugly. Only then can we take true stock of our true selves.

Elsewhere in this issue, Giovanni Sabato does a straight-faced examination of the history of science
on why humans enjoy humor (see “What’s So Funny? The Science of Why We Laugh”). And Caterina
Gawrilow and Sara Goudarzi dig into whether those with ADHD have the gift of creative thinking (see
“Are People with ADHD More Creative?”). As always, we hope you enjoy!

Andrea Gawrylewski
Senior Editor, Collections
[email protected]

On the Cover
The psychological principles
that can create
the best version of you



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Our Entirely True Selves


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