Science is Magic

(singke) #1


infrared type
of light that
feels warm but is
invisible to humans

Jastrow illusion
visual trick in which
two identical curved
shapes are placed
together in a way
that makes them
look like they are
different sizes

levitation act of
rising or floating
in the air

light spectrum
range of light
colors, from red
to violet, that our
eyes can detect

lung capacity total
amount of air that
someone can take
into their lungs
after breathing in
very deeply

magnet piece
of iron or other
material that can
attract another
magnetic material

practice of clearing
or focusing the mind

oil liquid that does
not mix with water

optic nerve bundle
of nerves carrying
electrical signals

from the retina in
the eye to the brain

type of cell in the
retina of the eye
that detects light

pixel tiny area on
a display screen.
Many pixels make
up an image

polymer groups
of atoms locked
together in a
long chain

retina light-
sensitive lining
at the back
of the eye

sensor electronic
device in a digital
camera that uses
light to form an

image made up
of pixels on the
display screen

solar wind fast
stream of particles
flowing out of the
sun and across the
solar system

surface tension
force caused by
tiny water particles
sticking to each
other, forming
a type of skin
on the surface

tendon band of
tough tissue that
connects a muscle
to a bone


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