Quilt Sampler - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

  1. Sew brown print triangles to
    opposite edges of blue-and-tan large
    floral 12^1 ⁄ 2 " square (Diagram 1).
    Add brown print triangles to
    remaining edges.

  2. Trim Step 1 unit to 17^1 ⁄ 2 " square
    including seam allowances to make
    quilt center.

Cut, Assemble, and
Add Border 1
From assorted light prints, cut:

  • 10—5^3 ⁄ 4 " squares
    From assorted medium and dark
    prints, cut:

  • 10—5^3 ⁄ 4 " squares

  1. Use a pencil to mark a diagonal
    line on wrong side of each light print
    53 ⁄ 4 " square.

  2. Layer a marked light print square
    atop a medium or dark print 5^3 ⁄ 4 "
    square. Stitch with two seams,^1 ⁄ 4 " on
    each side of drawn line (Diagram 2).
    Cut apart on drawn line and
    press open to make two triangle-
    squares. Each should be 5^3 ⁄ 8 " square
    including seam allowances. Repeat to
    make 20 triangle-squares total.

  3. Mark a diagonal line perpendicular
    to seam line on wrong side of 10
    4. Layer a marked triangle-square
    atop an unmarked triangle-square
    with each light print triangle facing
    a dark or medium print triangle
    (Diagram 3). Sew^1 ⁄ 4 " from each
    side of drawn line. Cut apart on
    drawn line and press open to
    make two hourglass units. Trim
    each unit to 4^3 ⁄ 4 " square including
    seam allowances. Repeat to make
    20 hourglass units total.
    5. Referring to Quilt Assembly
    Diagram, join four hourglass units
    along medium or dark print edges
    to make a short border 1 strip. Press
    seams in one direction. The strip
    should be 4^3 ⁄ 4 × 171 ⁄ 2 " including seam
    allowances. Repeat to make a second
    short border 1 strip.
    6. Sew together six hourglass units
    to make a long border 1 strip. Press
    seams in one direction. The strip
    should be 4^3 ⁄ 4 ×26" including seam
    allowances. Repeat to make a second
    long border 1 strip.
    7. Sew short border 1 strips to
    opposite edges of quilt center. Add
    long border 1 strips to remaining edges.
    Press all seams toward quilt center.
    The quilt center now should be 26"
    square including seam allowances.

Add Border 2
Sew brown print 1^3 ⁄ 4 ×26" border 2
strips to opposite edges of quilt
center (Quilt Assembly Diagram).
Add brown print 1^3 ⁄ 4 × 281 ⁄ 2 "
border 2 strips to remaining edges.
Press all seams toward border 2. The
quilt center now should be 28^1 ⁄ 2 "
square including seam allowances.

Cut, Assemble, and
Add Border 3
From each of 4 assorted medium
and dark prints, cut:

  • 1—4^3 ⁄ 8 " square, cutting each in
    half diagonally for 2 triangles

  • 8—4" squares
    From each large floral, cut:

  • 4—4× 71 ⁄ 2 " rectangles

  1. Mark a diagonal line on wrong
    side of each assorted medium or dark
    print 4" square.

  2. Working on a design wall or other
    large flat surface, lay out one 4× 71 ⁄ 2 "
    rectangle from each large floral along
    top edge of quilt center (Diagram 4).
    Place two triangles from one medium
    or dark print at left- and right-hand
    ends of row.

  3. Gather two marked squares
    from each medium or dark print.
    Layer marked medium or dark print
    squares that match the triangles atop
    left-hand end of first rectangle and
    right-hand end of fourth rectangle
    (Diagram 5). Layer matching
    marked medium or dark print
    squares atop right-hand end of first
    rectangle and left-hand end of second
    rectangle. Repeat to place matching
    marked squares on remaining ends of
    second through fourth rectangles.

  4. Referring to Quilt Assembly
    Diagram for fabric placement, repeat
    steps 2 and 3 to lay out pieces along
    each remaining edge of quilt center.
    Each large floral rectangle should
    be layered with two marked squares
    (for small Flying Geese units), and
    there should be two triangles in each
    corner (for triangle-squares).

Diagram 1

(^12) sq.^1 / 2 "
(^5) sq.^3 ∕ 4 "
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
30 | Quilt Sampler FALL/WINTER 2019

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