w_tima07 Tools for panic lol

(kitty31) #1

How amazing and transformational is that, knowing you‟re no different to some
of the people you most admire?

I haven‟t had a panic attack in over 5 years and what I had probably wasn‟t
even a full on panic attack anyway, but I still get nervous whenever I get up to
speak in public or do an interview. But that‟s ok, because I know my nerves are
just a reminder to focus and they usually disappear after a minute or two.

Feeling nervous is an emotion the same as feeling happy, grumpy, optimistic,
melancholy, serious, cheerful etc. Nobody ever died from feeling cheerful and
equally nobody ever died from feeling nervous.

You probably already knew that though so let‟s take a look at some techniques
guaranteed to help alleviate debilitating nerves and get you doing exactly
what you want to do rather than what you think you dare do.

Free download pdf