w_tima07 Tools for panic lol

(kitty31) #1
Disclaimer And Other Stuff

I am not a medical doctor, nor am I a psychotherapist, counselor, mind reader,
soothsayer or candlestick maker. The explanations and methods in this book are
ones that I have found through trial and error working with myself and clients to
be the most successful. Use them at your discretion.

If you are under the care of a mental health practitioner please speak with the
appropriate person first before trying these and NEVER quit medication until you
have done so.

I have a tendency to swear. I know, I know, some people think it‟s totally
unprofessional, but that‟s just how it is. If it‟s likely to offend you please don‟t
read on. I realize I could take the offending words out, but that would be
inauthentic and if you read my blog you‟ll know I try not to do inauthentic.

If you find the following information useful I would love for you to forward it on to
anybody that you think can benefit from it.

If you have received this from a friend or family member you can get more of
the same by subscribing to my monthly newsletter as well as being able to grab
forthcoming free e-books on, as of yet, undecided topics, but possibly including
NLP and Yak Juggling in the Himalayas.

You would also be a welcome guest at the A Daring Adventure blog where I
post twice a week on self-development, life coaching, stress management and
anything else I can think of that I think will add value to your life or make you

If you‟re looking to hire your own life coach and take your life to the next level
then please give me a call on 407 334 4692 or contact me at
[email protected]. I can also be hired for public speaking in the same

Note: There are a handful of links to Amazon in the book and yes I do earn a
huge 4% commission if you click through and buy something, but come on, I
have 14 kids and a sick goat to support and every cent makes a difference. Also
I have only linked to books that I highly recommend.

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