w_tima07 Tools for panic lol

(kitty31) #1

could make it a cartoon snake wearing a hat and looking all self-conscious
because it had a lisp.

Now add color and repeat the process by running forward quickly and then
backwards. You can even add a silly sound track at this stage. Go backwards
and forwards several times making sure you are completely at ease with it.

After you have done that try and recreate the phobic response and you‟ll find
you can‟t, or at least nothing like as intensely. You can run this a number of times
until your phobia has been downgraded to point where it is no longer really an

How does this Richard Bandler designed trickery work you may be wondering?

Well yeh so am I, because I really have no idea. For what it‟s worth, in Awaken
The Giant Within, Tony Robbins suggests it‟s like taking a needle to a vinyl record
and scratching it over the surface again and again.

The record won‟t play properly after that and that‟s what we‟re trying to do to
the trigger memory, corrupt it and make it unplayable. That seems to make
sense to me, but it‟s just a theory.

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