w_tima07 Tools for panic lol

(kitty31) #1

This is actually true. During World War One when anesthesia was often
unavailable, numerous surgeries including amputations were undertaken using
hypnosis. Nobody is quite sure if the patient doesn‟t feel the pain, or whether the
pain isn‟t actually created in the first place. Either way, it is a better alternative
than half a bottle of scotch and a piece of wood to bite on.

On a lesser scale, I have a friend that had four impacted wisdom teeth removed
using hypnosis (they probably used some pliers too, but you know what I mean).
Not only did he not feel pain, he also hardly bled.

  1. People have stayed stuck in hypnosis for long periods of time:

There is only one recorded case of a person getting „stuck‟ in hypnosis and it is
this guy.

  1. Hypnotherapy can turn you from stressed to chilled overnight:

It maybe possible, but it‟s unlikely. If the will is there, hypnosis can be a very
useful tool in helping the process. However, the desire and belief of the client is
necessary. Also, it may work in one session for one client and take ten or more
for another, depending on their abilities as a hypnotic subject and of course the

  1. Good hypnotherapists can hypnotize anybody

That is only true is the subject wants to be hypnotized or is completely unaware
they are being hypnotized. If somebody fights the process then it doesn't matter
how good the hypnotherapist is, it simply won't work.

  1. You have only been in a deep trance if you can’t remember what

This is untrue. Having said that, it is very common for people to develop hypnosis
amnesia. The work in (good) hypnotherapy is done with the unconscious mind
and therefore the conscious mind is often busy doing other stuff and may not be
noticing what is going on.

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