w_tima07 Tools for panic lol

(kitty31) #1

really hope you have found this e-book useful in dealing with your nerves.
There are other processes I could have covered off that you may find useful.
One is something called The Swish Pattern. Designed by Richard Bandler it
can be very effective in dealing with all sorts of issues including fear.

It‟s isn‟t easy to describe in an ebook, so if you want to check it out you can see
me demo it by clicking here.

A word of warning: If you research the Swish Pattern. The first result that comes
back on YouTube (for me anyway) is a video containing the awesomely brilliant
Derren Brown. Unfortunately the muppet that posted it doesn‟t really know what
a Swish Pattern is because what Mr Brown is doing with the girl is combination of
submodalities, anchoring and suggestion!

I cannot reiterate enough that nerves and anxiety are a part of life and you will
encounter them on a fairly regular basis if you are like most people.

It‟s not the nerves that are the problem, it is how you react to them.

When I am nervous about something that isn‟t really threatening, I remind myself
that I‟ll still be eating dinner later on and all this will be behind me. It may not
mean they completely disappear, but it puts things in perspective.

And finally, I know I have banged on a bit about How To Be Rich and Happy,
but as we have a goal to give away 1,000,000 copies to good causes we have
to sell about 75,000 to make that happen, so if we don‟t keep telling people
we‟ll come up short.

I hope you can help us in our quest, by grabbing your own copy if you don‟t
have one and telling others what we‟re up to.

Thanks for reading and as usual your feedback is most welcome, unless that is,

it‟s to tell me about typos or editing errors. Get over it, I have.


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