Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Shape armhole
Row 1: (RS) Sl st in first 6 (7, 8, 9, 10) esc,
ch 2, esc across, turn—21 (22, 25, 27,
28) sts rem. Cont even in esc until piece
measures 5¾ (6¾ , 7½ , 8, 8½ )" from beg of
armhole shaping, ending with WS row, turn.

Shape shoulder
Row 1: (RS) Sl st in first 8 (9, 10, 10, 11)
esc, ch 2, esc to end, turn—14 (14, 16, 18,
18) sts rem. Row 2: Ch 2, esc in next 6 (6,
7, 8, 8) sts, fasten off, leaving rem 7 (7, 8,
9, 9) sts unworked.

With larger hook, ch 47 (55, 60, 64,
68). Foundation row: (RS) Esc in 3rd ch
from hook and in each rem ch across,
turn—45 (53, 58, 62, 66) sts. Row 1: Ch 2,
esc across, turn. Rep last row until piece
measures 5 (5, 5½ , 5½ , 6)" from beg. Pm in
each row-end of last row for armhole. Cont
even in esc until piece measures 6¼ (6½ ,
7¼ , 7½ , 8½ )" from beg. Fasten off.

Row 1: With larger hook and RS of right
front facing, leaving long tail for sewing

pocket side, join yarn with sl st in rem lp
of beg ch at lower right corner of front,
ch 2, esc in rem lp of each rem ch across,
turn—26 (28, 32, 35, 37) sts. Row 2: Ch 2,
esc across, turn. Rep last row until pocket
measures 5¾ (5¾ , 6¼ , 6¾ , 6¾ )" from beg.
Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing
pocket side.

Row 1: With larger hook and RS of left
front facing, leaving long tail for sewing
pocket side, join yarn with sl st in rem
lp of beg ch at lower left corner of front,
ch 2, esc in rem lp of each rem ch across,
turn—26 (28, 32, 35, 37) sts. Work rem as
for right pocket.

Pocket assembly: Using long tails, sew side
edges of pockets to fronts.

Sew shoulder seams.

Foundation row: (RS) With smaller hook,
join yarn with sl st in row-end at bottom
corner of right front, ch 5 (counts as tr,

ch 1 throughout), picot (see Stitch Guide),
ch 1, tr2tog (placing first leg in same row-
end as beg sl st, sk next 2 row-ends, place
second leg in next row-end), ch 1, picot,
ch 1, *tr2tog (placing first leg in same
row-end as last leg of last tr2tog worked,
sk next 2 row-ends, place second leg in
next row-end), ch 1, picot, ch 1; rep from *
to shoulder seam, work 3 patt reps around
corner of first shoulder seam, omitting
skipped rows, work in patt across back
neck, skipping 2 sts instead of 2 row-ends,
work 3 patt reps around corner of next
shoulder seam, omitting skipped rows,
cont in patt to last row-end, tr in same st
as last leg of last tr2tog, turn. Rows 1–3 (3,
4, 4, 4): Ch 5, picot, ch 1, tr2tog (placing
first leg in top of last tr of last row and
second leg in sp of next tr2tog), ch 1, picot,
ch 1, *tr2tog (placing first leg in same sp
as last leg of last tr2tog and 2nd leg in sp
of next tr2tog), ch 1, picot, ch 1; rep from *
across, tr in 4th ch of beg ch-5, turn.

Fasten off at end of last row.

Align sleeves to armholes, matching m on
sleeves to beg of armhole shaping. Sew
sleeve seams. Sew side seams, including
pocket edge in seam at lower fronts. Weave
in ends. Block. With sewing needle and
length of sewing thread, sew buttons to
center of fronts, about 1" lower than top
of pockets. Use gaps in pocket fabric as

Optional for larger sizes: Sew top of pocket
to front from side seam towards center for
2–3" to prevent pocket gaping. 

JANE HOWORTH has been crocheting since she
was a child, and now she combines full-time
designing with teaching in North Wales, United
Kingdom. She always aims to stay true to the
principles of designing beautiful, fashionable,
and wearable items. Find her on Facebook,
Ravelry, and Twitter.

= chain (ch)

= slip stitch (sl st)

= treble crochet (tr)

= tr2tog

= picot

= patt rep

= worked in
sp of tr2tog
= esc

Stitch key






< foundation row

< 2

1 >

3 >

Reduced edging patt

Interweave Crochet • 35


(^) S

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