Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1
around skipped 4 post sts. Row 4: BPtr
around next 4 post sts, dc in next 2 dtr, dc
in next 2 dc, BPtr around next 2 post sts.
Row 5: FPtr around next 2 post sts, dc in
next 2 dc, sk next 2 dc, FPdtr around next
4 post sts, working behind sts just made,
dtr in skipped 2 dc. Row 6: Dc in next 2 dtr,
sk next 4 post sts, dtr in next 2 dc, working
behind sts just made, BPdtr around 4
skipped post sts, BPtr around next 2 post
sts. Row 7: FPtr around next 6 post sts, dc
in next 2 dtr, dc in next 2 dc. Rep Rows 2–7
for patt.

Right front cable (worked over 10 sts)
Row 1: (RS) Dc in next 4 dc, FPtr around
next 6 dc. Row 2: BPtr around next 2 post
sts, sk next 4 post sts, dtr in next 2 dc,
working behind sts just made, BPdtr
around skipped 4 post sts, dc in next 2 dc.
Row 3: Sk next 2 dc, FPdtr around next
4 post sts, working behind sts just made,
dtr in 2 skipped dc, dc in next 2 dtr, FPtr
around next 2 post sts. Row 4: BPtr around
next 2 post sts, dc in next 2 dc, dc in next
2 dtr, BPtr around next 4 post sts. Row 5:
Sk next 4 post sts, dtr in next 2 dc, work-
ing in front of sts just made, FPdtr around
4 skipped post sts, dc in next 2 dc, FPtr
around next 2 post sts. Row 6: BPtr around
next 2 post sts, sk next 2 dc, BPdtr around
next 4 post sts, working in front of sts just
made, dtr in skipped 2 dc, dc in next 2 dtr.
Row 7: Dc in next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dtr,
FPtr around next 6 post sts. Rep Rows 2–7
for patt.

With larger hook, ch 18 (20, 22, 24,
26). Row 1: (RS) Dc in 5th ch from hook
(skipped ch count as foundation ch and
first dc) and in each rem ch across to
last ch, 2 dc in last ch, turn—16 (18, 20,
22, 24) dc. Row 2 (inc): Ch 3 (counts as
first dc throughout), 2 dc in first dc, dc
across—18 (20, 22, 24, 26) dc. Fasten off.

Pie Bake Cardigan
Natasha Robarge


FINISHED SIZE 39 (43½ , 47¾ , 53,
56¼ )" bust circumference. Sample
shown measures 39", modeled with
6" positive ease.
YARN Kelbourne Woolens Scout
(100% wool; 274 yd [251 m]/
3½ oz [100 g]; ): #330
meadow heather, 6 (6, 6, 7, 7)
HOOK Size G/6 (4.25 mm) and 7
(4.5 mm). Adjust hook size if
necessary to obtain correct gauge.
NOTIONS Stitch markers (m), 10;
1" buttons, 6; yarn needle.
GAUGE 15 dc and 7½ rows = 4"
with larger hook.

—See the Glossary on page 78 for
terms you don’t know. Visit our master
glossary at

—Cardigan is worked seamlessly
top down with A-line shaping for
lower body. Move markers up as work

Front post double treble crochet
(FPdtr): Yo 3 times, insert hook from
front to back to front around post of
indicated st, yo, pull up lp, [yo, draw
through 2 lps] 4 times.

Back post double treble crochet
(BPdtr): Yo 3 times, insert hook from back
to front to back around post of indicated

st, yo, pull up lp, [yo, draw through 2 lps]
4 times.

Back cable (worked over 32 sts)
Row 1: (RS) [Dc in next 4 dc, FPtr around
next 8 dc, dc in next 4 dc] 2 times. Row 2:
[Dc in next 2 dc, sk next 2 dc, BPdtr (see
above) around next 4 post sts, working in
front of sts just made, dtr in 2 skipped dc,
sk next 4 post sts, dtr in next 2 dc, working
behind sts just made, BPdtr around
4 skipped post sts, dc in next 2 dc] 2 times.
Row 3: [Sk next 2 dc, FPdtr (see above)
around next 4 post sts, working behind sts
just made, dtr in 2 skipped dc, dc in next
4 dtr, sk next 4 post sts, dtr in next 2 dc,
working in front of sts just made, FPdtr
around 4 skipped post sts] 2 times. Row 4:
[BPtr around next 4 post sts, dc in next
2 dtr, dc in next 4 dc, dc in next 2 dtr, BPtr
around next 4 post sts] 2 times. Row 5: [Sk
next 4 post sts, dtr in next 2 dc, working
in front of sts just made, FPdtr around
4 skipped post sts, dc in next 4 dc, sk next
2 dc, FPdtr around next 4 post sts, working
behind sts just made, dtr in 2 skipped dc]
2 times. Row 6: [Dc in next 2 dtr, sk next
4 post sts, dtr in next 2 dc, working behind
sts just made, BPdtr around skipped 4
post sts, sk next 2 dc, BPdtr around next
4 post sts, working in front of sts just
made, dtr in skipped 2 dc, dc in next 2 dtr]
2 times. Row 7: [Dc in next 2 dc, dc in next
2 dtr, FPtr around next 8 post sts, dc in
next 2 dtr, dc in next 2 dc] 2 times. Rep
Rows 2–7 for patt.

Left front cable (worked over 10 sts)
Row 1: (RS) FPtr around next 6 dc, dc in
next 4 dc. Row 2: Dc in next 2 dc, sk next
2 dc, BPdtr around next 4 post sts, working
in front of sts just made, dtr in 2 skipped
dc, BPtr around next 2 post sts. Row 3:
FPtr around next 2 post sts, dc in next
2 dtr, sk next 4 post sts, dtr in next 2 dc,
working in front of sts just made, FPdtr









body K

A: 42¼ (46½ , 51, 56¼ , 59½ )"
B: 16" C: 8½ (8½ , 8½ , 9½ , 9½ )"

D: 4¾ " E: 4 (4½ , 5, 5½ , 6)"
F: 8¾ " G: 1" H: 16"
I: 9½ (9½ , 10, 11¼ , 11¾ )"
J: 13½ (13½ , 13½ , 15, 15)"
K: 39 (43½ , 47¾ , 53, 56¼ )"

36 Interweave Crochet • Fall 2019








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