Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

to last st before next corner, dc3tog in-
serting hook in next dc, corner, and first
fdc of body, pm in st just made, dc in rem
2 (2, 3, 3, 4) fdc, sl st in top of beg ch 3
to join, turn—50 (50, 52, 56, 58) dc. Rnd
2 (dec): Ch 3, dc around to last dc before
m, dc2tog (next st and marked st), move
m to last st made, dc around to marked
dc, dc2tog (marked st and next st), move
m to last st made, dc around, sl st in top
of beg ch 3 to join, turn—48 (48, 50, 54,
56) dc rem. Rnds 3–29: Ch 3, dc around,
sl st in top of beg ch 3 to join, turn. At the
same time, dec 2 sts on Rnds 7, 12, 17,
22, 27, and 30 as follows: Ch 3, dc2tog, dc
around to last 3 sts, dc2tog, dc in last dc,
sl st in top of beg ch 3, turn—36 (36, 38,
42, 44) sts rem at end of last rnd. Rnd 30:
(WS) Ch 3, BPtr around next dc, dc in
next dc, BPtr around next dc; rep from

around, sl st in top of beg ch 3 to join,
turn. Rnd 31: Ch 1, sl st in each post st
and sc in each dc across, sl st in top of beg
ch 3 to join. Fasten off.

Neck edging
Row 1: With RS facing, join yarn with sl st
in first st of right buttonband, ch 3, FPtr
around next 6 post sts, dc in next 4 dc,
dc2tog over next 2 row-ends, dc in same
row-end as last leg of dc2tog, work 2 dc
in each row-end around to back neck, dc
across back neck, work 2 dc in each row-
end across to last 2 row-ends, dc in next
row-end, dc2tog in same and next row-
end, dc in next 4 dc, FPtr around next 6
post sts, dc in last dc, turn. Row 2: With
smaller hook, ch 3, BPtr around next 6
post sts, dc in next dc, BPtr around next
dc, dc in next dc; rep from
across to last
7 sts, BPtr around next 6 post sts, dc in
last dc, turn. Row 3: Ch 1, sl st in each
post st and sc in each dc across to last st,
sl st in last st. Fasten off.

Block. Weave in ends. Sew buttons to
first 2 front edge post sts of left front
cable band, using photo for button
placement. Use sps bet matching 2 front
edge post sts of right front cable band as

Natasha Robarge is an avid crocheter and
knitter. Her crochet designs are published
in Interweave Crochet, Love of Crochet, and
other publications. Natasha lives in Houston
and strives to create fun and functional
crochet garments. Find her on Ravelry as

Harvester Cowl
Kylie Lamb

FINISHED SIZE 53" circumference
and 20" tall.
YARN Patons Alpaca Blend
(distributed by Spinrite) (60%
acrylic, 22% wool, 10% nylon, 8%
alpaca; 155 yd [142 m]/3½ oz
[100 g]; ): #1008 black cherry,
5 skeins.
HOOK Size L/11 (8 mm). Adjust
hook size if necessary to obtain
correct gauge.
NOTIONS Yarn needle.
GAUGE 8 sts and 9 rows = 4" in

—See the Glossary on page 78 for
terms you don’t know. Visit our
master glossary at

—Work in continuous rounds. Do not
join or turn unless otherwise stated.

—Chain-1 spaces are counted as
stitches unless otherwise stated.

Foundation rnd: 106 fsc, being careful
not to twist rnd, sl st in top of first fsc to
join—106 sts. Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as hdc,
ch 1), *sk next st, hdc in next st, ch 1; rep
from * around, sk last st, sl st in 2nd ch of
beg ch 3 to join. Rnd 2: Working over ch-1
sp, hdc in skipped sc of foundation rnd,
ch 1, *sk next hdc, working over next ch-1
sp, hdc in skipped sc of foundation rnd,
ch 1; rep from * around. Do not join (see
Notes). Rnd 3: *Sk next hdc, working over
next ch-1 sp, hdc in next ch-1 sp 2 rnds
below, ch 1; rep from * around. Next rnds:
Rep Rnd 3 until cowl measures about
19½ " tall from beg. Last rnd: *Sk next
hdc, hdc in next ch-1 sp 2 rnds below, sc
in next ch-1 sp 1 rnd below; rep from *
around, sl st in top of first hdc of rnd to
join. Fasten off.

Weave in ends. Block if desired. 

Kylie Lamb lives in Winnipeg, Canada, with
her husband, daughter, and Australian lab-
radoodle, Teddy. Follow her design journey on
Instagram @snowdrop.designs or on Ravelry
as sn0wdr0ps.

Interweave Crochet • 41


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