Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1
Coriander Puff Hat
Natasha Robarge

FINISHED SIZE 18 (20¼ , 22½ )"
brim circumference.
YARN Plymouth Yarn Galway
Worsted (100% wool; 210 yd
[192 m]/3½ oz [100 g]; ): #756
sunfl ower heather, 1 ball.
HOOK Sizes G/6 (4.25 mm), G/6
(4 mm). Adjust hook size if
necessary to obtain correct gauge.
NOTIONS Yarn needle.
GAUGE 15 sts and 9 rnds = 4" in
patt with larger hook.

—See the Glossary on page 78 for
terms you don’t know. Visit our master
glossary at

—Hat is worked from brim to crown
in joined, turned rounds. Edging is
worked once hat is complete.

Front post puff stitch (FP puff): [Yo,
insert hook from front to back to front
around indicated st, yo, pull up lp] 3 times
(7 lps on hook), yo, draw through 6 lps, yo,
draw through last 2 lps on hook.

Beginning double crochet 3 together
(beg dc3tog): Ch 2, dc2tog in same st as
join and in next st.

Beginning front post double crochet
2 together (beg FPdc2tog): Ch 2, FPdc
around first BPdc.

With larger hook, ch 68 (76, 86), sl st in first
ch to form ring, being careful not to twist ch,
do not turn. Rnd 1: (RS) Ch 3 (counts as dc
throughout), dc in next ch and in each rem ch
across, sl st in first dc to join, turn—68 (76,
84) dc. Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in next dc, FP puff
(see Stitch Guide) around next st, [dc in next
3 dc, FP puff around next st] around to last
dc, dc in last dc, sl st in first dc to join, turn.
Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in next dc, BPdc around next
FP puff, [dc in next 3 dc, BPdc around next
FP puff] around to last dc, dc in last dc, sl st
in first dc to join, turn. Rnds 4–13 (15, 15):
Rep Rnds 2–3 five (six, six) times. Rnd 14
(16, 16): Beg dc3tog (see Stitch Guide), FP
puff around next st, [dc3tog, FP puff around
next st] around, sk last dc, sl st in first st to
join, turn—34 (40, 42) sts rem. Rnd 15 (17,
17): Ch 3, [BPdc around next FP puff, dc in
next st] around, sl st in first dc to join, turn.
Rnd 16 (18, 18): Ch 3, [FP puff in next BPdc,
sk next dc] around, sl st in first dc to join,

turn—18 (20, 22) FP puffs rem. Rnd 17
(19, 19): Ch 3, BPdc around each st around,
sl st in first dc to join, turn. Rnd 18 (20,
20): Ch 2, FPdc around first BPdc (counts
as FPdc2tog), FPdc2tog around, sl st in first
dc to join, turn—10 (11, 12) sts rem. Fasten
off, leaving a 6" long end for sewing.

With RS facing and smaller hook, join
yarn with sl st in rem lp of foundation ch.
Rnd 1: (RS) Ch 3, BPdc around next dc of
Rnd 1 of Hat, [FPdc around next dc, BPdc
around next dc] around, sl st in first dc to
join, turn. Rnd 2: Ch 3, [FPdc around next
dc, BPdc around next dc] around, sl st in
first dc to join, fasten off.

Thread yarn needle with long end and
weave through sts on last rnd at crown of
hat, pulling tight to secure. Weave in ends.
Block as desired. 

Natasha Robarge is an avid crocheter and
knitter. Her crochet designs are published in
Interweave Crochet, Love of Crochet, and other
publications. Natasha lives in Houston and
strives to create fun and functional crochet
garments. Find her on Ravelry as aperfectloop.








< 1

< 3

2 >

14 (16, 16) >

< 15 (17, 17)

16 (18, 18) >

< 17 (19, 19)

18 (20, 20) >

Reduced hat patt

Stitch key
= slip stitch (sl st)
= chain (ch)

= double
crochet (dc)

= FPdc

= BPdc

= FP puff

= dc3tog

= FPdc2tog

= patt rep

42 Interweave Crochet • Fall 2019








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