Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1
ing lengths tog, form a lark’s head knot in
any st on end of scarf.* Rep bet * for each
rem st on each end of scarf.

Wash and block to finished size. 

Annette Hynes has been playing with chains
since she was about seven and became
serious about crochet in her high-school home
economics class. By day, she is a microbial
oceanographer in Seattle, Washington. Find her
online at or
on Ravelry as ANetTow.

of next 2 cables, cable, join LL in next hdc,
hdc in next 3 sts, cable, join LL in top of
cable; rep from * around. Rnd 14: *Hdc in
next 3 sts and in top of next cable, *cable,
join LL in next hdc, sk next st, cable, join
LL in skipped st, hdc in top of cable and in
next 3 sts, cable, join LL in top of cable; rep
from * around, ending last rep at **. Rnd 15:
Hdc in next 4 sts, *LCC, hdc across to next
cable, cable, join LL in top of cable**, hdc
across to next cable; rep from * around,
ending last rep at **. Rnd 16: (drift correc-
tion) Hdc in next 4 sts, *cable, join LL in
top of same cable**, [cable, join LL in next
hdc, hdc in next 3 sts and in top of next
cable] 2 times; rep from *around, ending
last rep at **, cable, join LL in next hdc, hdc
in next 3 sts and in top of next cable, cable,
join LL in top of cable. Next rnds: Rep Rnds
5–16 until scarf measures 62" from beg.
Bind-off rnd: *Hdc around to next cable, yo,
cable, yo, draw through all lps on hook; rep
from * around. Last rnd: Hdc around. Fasten
off at end of last rnd.

Note: Incorporate tail at beg and end into
fringe.*Cut two 12" lengths of yarn. Hold-

st, hdc in top of next 2 cables, cable, join
LL in next hdc, sk next hdc, cable, join LL
in skipped hdc, hdc in top of next 2 cables,
cable, join LL in next hdc, hdc across to
next cable; rep from * around, ending last
rep at *, hdc in last st. Rnd 11: Hdc in next
4 sts,
sk next st, LCC, hdc in next 5 sts,
sk next hdc, cable, join LL in skipped hdc,
hdc in top of cable and in next 2 sts, LCC,
hdc in next 2 sts and in top of next cable,
cable, join LL in next hdc
, hdc in same st
and in next 4 sts; rep from * around, ending
last rep at *, hdc in same st. Rnd 12: (drift
correction) Hdc across to next cable, cable,
join LL in top of next cable, cable, join LL in
next hdc,
hdc same st and in next 3 sts, sk
next st, cable, join LL in skipped hdc, hdc
in top of cable and in next 3 sts, cable, join
LL in top of first cable, cable, join LL in top
of next cable, hdc in next 3 sts and in top
of next cable, cable, join LL in next hdc, hdc
across to next cable, cable, join LL in top of
next cable, cable, join LL in next hdc; rep
from around. Rnd 13: Hdc in next 3 sts,
sk next st, cable, join LL in skipped hdc,
hdc in top of next 2 cables, cable, join LL in
next hdc, hdc in next 3 sts, cable, join LL
in top of cable, hdc in next 3 sts, sk next
st, cable, join LL in skipped st, hdc in top

< set-up

< 1

< 2

< 3

< 4

< 5

< 6

< 7

< 8

< 9

< 10

< 11

< 12

< 13

< 14

< 15

< 16

Scarf patt













Stitch key
= chain (ch) = back bar only = half double crochet (hdc) = fhdc = cable lp = LCC = RCC

Interweave Crochet • 49


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