Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

pleasure to look at. Th ink of the

colors of changing tree leaves as a

starting point: gold and mustard,

maroon and burgundy, varied

shades of brown and green. Set up

your craft space with multiple

points of light so that you can see

the diff erent hues in every strand.

Practice mindfulness as you craft,

consistently bringing your atten-

tion back to the colors at hand.

You may also incorporate your

sense of sight in other ways. What

do you see around you while you

craft? If what you see isn’t inspir-

ing, then it’s time to spruce up your

craft space. Hang some of your

favorite artwork, photos, and fi ber

creations. Take a moment at the

start of each craft session to truly

look at what you fi nd around you.


Touch is another sense that lends

itself well to crochet. Th e feel of the

hook in your hand, the fi ber

running through your fi ngers, and

the motion of hook through yarn

can bring your awareness back to

your body. If you pay attention to

these details, then you can really

indulge in the sensory delight of

crafting. Autumn is the perfect time

to use your natural wood hooks.

Wool is a popular yarn choice for

fall because it evokes that natural

feeling of the outdoors. However,

you might want to look for wool

blends that incorporate silk or

bamboo for extra luxuriousness or

softness. On the other hand, if

autumn makes you think of

crackling leaves and fallen pine-
cones, then you might want to
select novelty yarns that have a lot
of texture. Th ick-and-thin yarns are
a great choice in that area.

What do you listen to while you are
crocheting? Make your selections
more intentional. Consider music,
nature sounds, and podcasts.
Autumn brings Halloween, so you
might want to embrace the season
by listening to scary stories.
Perhaps fall makes you think of
football season and you want to
listen to the games. A nature
soundtrack fi lled with squirrels,
geese, and storms could inspire you.
Of course, you might also opt for
silence, allowing you to hear nature
itself, especially if you craft outside
or near an open window.

Scent is one of the most powerful
senses in terms of its ability to
evoke a mood or provoke a memory.
Infuse your craft space with the
smells of autumn through the use of
candles, essential oils, potpourri,
live plants, and incense.
Autumn scents include

cinnamon, pumpkin, apple, cloves,
vanilla, and brown sugar. Make each
craft session more of a sensory
experience when you start it by
lighting a particular scent.

Of course, you don’t eat your
crochet! Nevertheless, you can
incorporate the sense of taste into
your crafting experience to round
out the fi ve senses. You might begin
and end each craft session with sips
of your favorite fall drink, be that
mulled wine or hot apple cider. You
might fi nd a candy that represents
your favorite fall tastes and let it sit
in your mouth as you craft.
Th e point of crafting with all of
your senses is that you elevate the
experience. You really take in the
entire session through all aspects of
your body. As a result, you can relax
more and feel more rejuvenated
even if your craft period is very
short. Autumn is a busy season, so
the more you can relax through you
senses, the better these months
will be. 

Interweave Crochet • 53


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