Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

dc3tog, *working over ch-7 sp, sc in next
ch-1 sp 2 rows below, fan in next mod
dc6tog; rep from * across to last dc3tog,
ending last rep at *, 3 dc in next dc3tog, dc
in last dc, turn. Row 8: Ch 4 (counts as first
sc and ch 3),
mod dc6tog
, ch 7, sk next
next ch-1 sp; rep from * across, ending last
rep at , ch 3, sc in last dc, turn. Row 9:
Ch 1, sk first sc and ch 3, *fan in next mod
dc6tog*, working over ch-7 sp, sc in next
ch-1 sp 2 rows below; rep from
ending last rep at
, sc in last dc, turn.
Row 10: Ch 3, sk first sc, dc3tog in next
3 dc, *ch 7, sk next ch, mod dc6tog; rep
from , across, dc3tog in last 3 dc, dc in
last ch, turn. Row 11: Ch 3, 3 dc bet first
dc and dc3tog,
working over ch-7 sp, sc
in next ch-1 sp 2 rows below
, fan in next
mod dc6tog; rep from * across, ending last
rep at **, 3 dc in last dc3tog, dc in last dc,

change color to B, turn. Row 12: With B,
ch 4, *mod dc6tog, ch 3**, sc in next ch-1
sp, ch 3; rep from * across, ending last rep
at **, sc in last dc, change color to A, turn.
Row 13: Ch 3, dc in each st and ch across,
turn—49 dc. Rows 14–16: Ch 3, dc across,
turn. Fasten off, leaving a 20" end for

Assembly and hanging strand
With RS facing, rotate hanging 90 degrees
and hold dowel even with top. Thread
yarn needle with length of A. Using photo
as a guide, whipstitch hanging to dowel,
spacing stitches evenly, working through
row-ends and wrapping yarn around dowel.
Knot yarn to secure. Sew yarn end to
opposite end of hanging to create hanging
loop. Fasten off.

Cut sixty-four 10" lengths of yarn. Holding
4 strands tog, form lark’s head knot in each
rem row end. Trim ends even.

Weave in ends. Block gently. 

Jo Janes is a married mother of one living in
Bristol, United Kingdom. She learned to knit
and crochet from her two grandmothers and
picked up her hook again in her mid-thirties.
Her patterns have appeared in magazines in
the United Kingdom and United States, and she
recently began designing full-time. Follow her
@Jojotwinkletoes on Instagram and Ravelry.

Interweave Crochet • 67

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