Interweave Crochet - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1
last rep at **, dc in each rem st across,
sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-5 to join—56 dc,
12 FPtr, 4 ch-2 sps. Rnds 6 –18: Rep Rnd
5—264 dc, 12 FPtr, 4 ch-2 sps at end of
last rnd. Rnd 19: Ch 1, sc in same st as
join, *2 sc in next ch-2 sp, sc in next 17 dc,
sc in next FPtr, FPdc around same FPtr,
sk next dc, sc in next 15 dc, 2 sc in next
FPtr, FPdc around same FPtr, 2 sc in same
FPtr, sc in next 15 dc, sk next dc, FPdc
around next FPtr, sc in same FPtr**, sc in
next 17 dc; rep from * 4 times, ending last
rep at **, sc in next 16 dc, sl st in first sc to
join—288 sc, 12 FPdc. Fasten off.

Block motifs. Working from front to back,
whipstitch motifs tog, working FPdc join
(see Stitch Guide) as needed.

Rnd 1: Join with sl st in any corner FPdc,
ch 3, dc in same FPdc as join, FPtr around
same FPdc, 2 dc in same FPdc, *dc in next
16 sc, sk next sc, FPtr around next FPdc, dc
in same FPdc, dc in next 190 sc, dc in next
FPdc, FPtr around same FPdc, sk next sc,
dc in next 16 sc**, corner in next FPdc; rep
from * 4 times, ending last rep at **, sl st in
first dc to join—912 dc, 12 FPtr. Rnds 2–4:
Ch 3, *dc across to next FPtr, corner in
next FPtr, dc across to last st before next
FPtr, sk next st, FPtr around next FPtr, dc
in same FPtr, dc across to next FPtr, dc in
next FPtr, FPtr around same FPtr, sk next
dc; rep from * 4 times, dc in each rem st
across, sl st in first dc to join. Rnd 5: Ch 3,
*dc across to next FPtr, corner in next FPtr,
dc across to last st before next FPtr, sk
next dc, FPtr around next FPtr, dc in same
FPtr, dc in next 8 dc, [ch 2, sk next 2 dc,
dc in next 2 dc] 46 times, dc in next 6 dc,
dc in next FPtr, FPtr around same FPtr,
sk next dc; rep from * 4 times, dc across,
sl st in first dc to join—608 dc, 184 ch-2
sps, 12 FPtr. Rnd 6: Ch 3, *dc across to
next FPtr, corner in next FPtr, dc across
to last st before next FPtr, sk next dc, FPtr
around next FPtr, dc in same FPtr, dc in
each st and 2 dc in each ch-2 sp across to
next FPtr, dc in next FPtr, FPtr around
same FPtr, sk next dc; rep from * 4 times,
dc across, sl st in first dc to join— 992
dc, 12 FPtr. Rnds 7–9: Rep Rnds 2–4 of
border. Rnd 10: Ch 3, dc around, working
5 dc in each corner FPtr, sl st in first dc to
join. Rnd 11: Ch 3, dc around, 5 dc in 3rd
dc of each corner, sl st in first dc to join.
Fasten off.

Weave in ends. Block border. 

Jennifer Olivarez has been crocheting for over
20 years and designing patterns since 2012.
By day, she works as an editorial assistant
on a scientific journal, but all her free time is
spent experimenting with color, texture, and
fiber to create unique fashion accessory and
home-décor designs—a practice that brings
her the greatest joy. Find her on Ravelry as
Jennifer Olivarez.

76 Interweave Crochet • Fall 2019















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