when necessary, whether that’s breaking to
avoid a collision or deploying additional airbags
in a self-driving vehicle, where consumers will
likely relax watching TV or catch up with
emails on their way to the office.
There’s no denying Apple has transformed the
way we think about and monitor our health, but
it’s the technology and innovations coming in
the future that are most exciting. Building the
foundations for an “Apple Bubble” where your
health is taken care of by Silicon Valley may
seem futuristic and perhaps even scary, but as
we’ve seen time and time again, technology
can save lives and encourage us to be smarter,
healthier, and more sensible with diet and
exercise. That in itself should be enough to make
you want to buy an Apple Watch.
For Apple? Being a dominant player in
healthcare is incredibly lucrative. The Cupertino
firm is fighting with the likes of Google, who
are reinventing healthcare using artificial
intelligence, and Amazon, whose buying power
and partnerships with the likes of JPMorgan
Chase and Berkshire Hathaway are enough
to give a competitor a heart attack. But with
forecasts from Morgan Stanley suggesting the
health sector could be worth $15 billion
by 2021 and $313 billion by 2027 for Apple,
with the lower end of the range coming from
wearables alone, the future of the technology
giant is in healthcare, and at least for now,
everyone’s a winner.