The Washington Post - USA (2022-04-10)

(Antfer) #1


Rep. Briscoe Cain (R) issued
cease and desist letters in March
to every group in Texas that h elps
fund abortions, calling them
“criminal organizations.”
If the Supreme Court over-
turns Roe, Vladeck said, there
will probably be more of these
kinds of charges filed across the
country, as other states move to
enforce their pre-Roe bans or
criminalize the procedure in oth-
er ways.
In the Herrera case, he added,
prosecutors and others involved
may be hoping to dissuade peo-
ple from trying to access abor-
tion in Te xas.
One of the goals of this arrest
could be to “chill people from
getting abortions of any kind,” he

That ban, which criminalizes
abortion, is unconstitutional un-
der Roe and is not in effect.
Additionally, Vladeck noted,
Te xas law explicitly exempts a
woman from a criminal homi-
cide charge for aborting her
He said prosecutors either
don’t know about the exception
or they have a theory for why the
exception does not apply in this
“It is possible that a prosecu-
tor thought, ‘Here’s a novel case I
can now bring because of the
pressure S.B. 8 has created,’ ”
Vladeck said. “Local prosecutors
are not necessarily omniscient.”
At least one Texas lawmaker
has recently tried to enforce
portions of the pre-Roe ban. State

immediate release of Lizelle Her-
The arrest comes as Republi-
can-led states across the country
rush to pass abortion restrictions
ahead of a Supreme Court deci-
sion this summer that could
overturn or significantly weaken
Roe v. Wade, the case that has
guaranteed abortion access na-
tionwide since 1973.
Te xas is one of nine states that
still has an abortion ban on its
books that was passed before
Roe. The prosecutors may have
made these charges with that
pre-Roe ban in mind, said Steve
Vladeck, a professor at the Uni-
versity of Te xas School of Law
who specializes in the federal
courts and has closely followed
the Texas abortion ban.

Te xas enacted a l aw i n Septem-
ber that banned abortions after
six weeks of pregnancy, before
most women know they are preg-
nant. In a method meant to
evade judicial scrutiny, enforce-
ment of the law was left to
private citizens rather than state
officials. Under the law, called
Senate Bill 8, any person can sue
anyone who performs an abor-
tion or helps someone get an
abortion after six weeks.
But that law only has civil
consequences, not criminal.
Therefore, it’s unclear which law
authorities were relying on to
charge Herrera.
“This arrest is inhumane,”
Rockie Gonzalez, founder of
Frontera Fund, said in a state-
ment. “We are demanding the

She has been released on
bond. Her lawyer, Calixtro Villar-
real, declined to c omment.
News of Herrera’s arrest was
first reported by the Monitor, a
newspaper based in McAllen,
Te x. Few details surrounding the
arrest had been confirmed by
Saturday afternoon. A spokes-
person for the American Civil
Liberties Union of Te xas de-
clined to comment until the
organization was able to learn
more about the case.
It was also unclear whether
authorities assert that Herrera
had an abortion that violated a
law or helped someone else ob-
tain one. Neither the Starr Coun-
ty Sheriff’s Office nor the district
attorney’s office responded to
requests for comment.


A 26-year-old woman in Te xas
was arrested and charged with
murder after what authorities
contended was a “self-induced
abortion,” the Associated Press
reported Saturday.
Lizelle Herrera was arrested
Thursday and taken to the Starr
County jail in Rio Grande City,
along the Rio Grande and the
country’s southern border with
Mexico. In a statement to the AP,
the local sheriff’s office said
Herrera was charged after “in-
tentionally and knowingly caus-
ing the death of an individual by
self-induced abortion,” without
providing details of which legal
statute she had violated.

Texas woman charged with murder after ‘self-induced’ abortion

before the six-week mark, Te xas
and Oklahoma patients will be
pushed farther afield, to Louisi-
ana, Kansas or New Mexico,
where clinics are already fully
The urgency of the moment is
acutely felt at the clinic in San
Antonio, Alamo Women’s Repro-
ductive Services, and its sister
clinic in Tulsa, both of which are
owned by Braid, who made na-
tional headlines in September for
performing an illegal abortion on
a patient and writing about it in
an opinion piece published by
The Washington Post, hoping to
prompt lawsuits that would help
overturn the law.
Since the Te xas ban took effect,
Braid has traveled to Oklahoma
at least once a month, perform-
ing abortions for some of the
patients he has had to turn away
in Te xas.
“A t least there was an alterna-
tive,” said Braid. If a ban takes
effect in Oklahoma, he said, “I
will feel totally helpless.”
Braid and his staff recently
decided to start telling patients
about the pending legislation in
“A re you aware of the Okla-
homa law?” the receptionist in
San Antonio asked for the third
time that morning, as she sched-
uled an appointment for another
woman who was too far along to

get an abortion in Te xas.
“What?” said Nejmin, a 25-
year-old mother of two, who, like
other patients interviewed for
this story, spoke on condition
that only her first name be used
to protect her privacy.
Nejmin had only just learned
about the abortion ban in Te xas.
Oklahoma’s law “is also chang-
ing?” she asked.
“We’re not sure yet,” the recep-
tionist said. “If it changes, we’ll
call you.”
By 9 a.m. on a recent Thursday,
almost every seat in the waiting
room at the Tulsa Women’s Clinic
was taken.
The women gathered there
that morning looked like they
could have been going to a slee-


SAN ANTONIO — The woman
stared up at the ceiling, taking
slow, deep breaths, as the doctor
examined the flickering dot on
the ultrasound screen.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
The gut-wrenching news came
in two parts: The flickering was a
sign of cardiac activity, which
meant the woman could not get
an abortion under Te xas’s six-
week ban. And while the doctor,
Alan Braid, said he would refer
her to a sister clinic in Oklahoma,
where he has sent hundreds of
other patients since the law took
effect last year, she would need to
hurry. Lawmakers there were
close to passing a law just as strict
as the one in Te xas.
The woman cried as the reality
sank in.
By the time she arrived for an
appointment in Oklahoma, abor-
tion could be banned there, too.
As soon as Te xas enacted its
six-week ban, people started flee-
ing the state for abortions. And
while Te xas patients have fanned
out to abortion clinics all over the
country, experts say no state has
absorbed more of them than
neighboring Oklahoma, where
abortions remain legal until the
22nd week of pregnancy.
But that could change soon. As
Oklahoma’s Republican-led legis-
lature has rushed in recent days
to cut off what GOP leaders have
called a “sickening” patient pipe-
line from Te xas — seeking to
enact a raft of new restrictions —
doctors and patients have faced
mounting complications, with
doctors preparing for a sudden
end to abortion access and pa-
tients racing to schedule appoint-
ments before it’s too late.
An all-out ban, which passed
the legislature last week, could
take effect this summer if the
Supreme Court rolls back its
landmark Roe v. Wade decision
protecting abortion rights. More
worrisome to abortion rights ad-
vocates is the likelihood that
Oklahoma moves as early as next
week to enact a Te xas-style ban,
which has thus far survived court
challenges. If Oklahoma’s clinics
stop providing abortions, or are
limited to providing care only

pover. They wore tie-dye joggers,
plaid pajama pants, fuzzy slip-
pers, Crocs with thick wool socks.
Several curled up in hard-backed
chairs, feet on the seat, head
burrowed in their knees, as a TV
at the front of the room spouted
news about Ukraine.
“People are just really tired
when they get here,” said Andrea
Gallegos, who is Braid’s daughter
and the clinic’s executive admin-
istrator. She flies back and forth
between the clinics in San Anto-
nio and Tulsa. “Some have driven
all night to be here first thing in
the morning.”
A few miles from downtown
Tulsa, the abortion clinic faces a
park owned by the local Catholic
diocese. Antiabortion protesters
gather here every day, lining up
with their rosaries in front of a
towering white cross.
“Save your baby!” they yell at
patients as they pull into the
parking lot.
On that Thursday, a third of
the cars outside the clinic had
Te xas license plates.
Tulsa Women’s Clinic started
seeing a sharp uptick in Te xas
patients as soon as the law took
effect in the fall, Gallegos said. In
August they treated 28 patients
from Te xas. By November, that
number had soared to over 300.
Of the thousands of patients
who left Texas to access abortion
between September and Decem-
ber, 45 percent traveled to Okla-
homa, according to a study from
the University of Te xas at Austin,
far more than have gone to any
other state, with New Mexico
coming in a distant second.
Republican lawmakers in
Oklahoma City have been paying
close attention to that surge.
“A state of emergency exists in
Oklahoma,” said state Senate
President Pro Te mpore Greg
Treat (R), the leader of the Senate,
referring to the number of abor-
tions that have been performed
in Oklahoma since the Te xas law
took effect.
“It’s sickening,” Treat said.
“A nd that’s the reason we’re mak-
ing every effort to get our laws
Treat has been fighting to end
abortion access since he was
elected over decade ago. For him

Oklahoma clinics wait for abortion ban

Those who can’t get the procedure in Texas stream across the border, but their window may be closing


Protesters at a park owned by the local Catholic diocese across from T ulsa Women’s Clinic in Oklahoma on Wednesday. A study from the
University of Texas at Austin found that 45 percent of Texans seeking abortions between September and December went to Oklahoma.

Alan Braid, who owns abortion clinics in Tulsa and San Antonio,
made headlines in September for writing an opinion piece in The
Washington Post about performing an illegal abortion.

“Some have driven all

night to be here first

thing in the morning.”
Andrea Gallegos, executive
administrator at the Tulsa Women’s
Clinic. In August, the clinic served 28
patients from Texas. In November,
after Texas enacted a ban on
abortions past six weeks, that
number swelled to more than 300.

politics & the nation

and other Oklahoma legislators,
he said, antiabortion policies are
“at the core of who we are.”
Sen. Julie Daniels (R), who
sponsored a measure this session
modeled after the Te xas ban, said
she deeply empathizes with
women who find themselves
pregnant unexpectedly. She
agrees with her Democratic col-
leagues that lawmakers need to
do more to support those women,
she said. But she believes they
should limit abortion access at
the same time.
“I believe in saving the chil-
dren even as we work on those
other things,” Daniels said.
Daniels has been drawn to the
novel legal strategy behind Te x-
as’s abortion ban, which empow-
ers private citizens to enforce the
law through civil litigation.
To many abortion providers in
Oklahoma, the Te xas-style bill is
even more concerning than the
abortion ban that passed Tues-
day, Gallegos said, because it
could take effect any day.
If an immediate ban is ap-
proved, Gallegos said, she imag-
ines she might get a call from the
clinic’s lawyers in the middle of
the workday, as doctors are per-
forming abortions, with a waiting
room full of patients who have
driven hours to get there. At any
moment, she said, the lawyers
might tell her it all has to stop.
Several abortion clinics in the
state stopped scheduling ap-
pointments in late March in
preparation for that bill to pass.
While the Tulsa Women’s Clinic
has continued to book appoint-
ments through the end of April,
Gallegos said, its leaders have
wrestled with that decision.
“Every day I’m like, ‘Do we stop
scheduling?’ ” she said. “There
are times when I’m like, ‘A bso-
lutely not,’ and other times I’m
like, ‘I don’t know.’ ”
Gallegos doesn’t want to turn
away patients if her clinic can
still offer abortion care, she said.
But she dreads having to call each
patient on the schedule and in-
form them that the law has taken
Patients have already been
struggling to book appointments
in Oklahoma. Faith, 24, said she’d
tried to schedule an abortion at
the clinic where she lives in
Oklahoma City. Then she tried a
few clinics in Kansas, she said,
and she couldn’t get in there
quickly, either.
When she couldn’t get an ap-

pointment, she said, she opened a
private browser and started Goo-
gling “alternatives to abortion.”
“I Googled the other methods
of ending a pregnancy,” Faith
said. “Things like, inserting sharp
objects, consuming high
amounts of things.”
She was relieved when she was
finally able to get an appoint-
ment at the Planned Parenthood
in Tulsa, she said. But if she
hadn’t been able to access legal
abortion in her region, she said,
she still would have found a way
to terminate her pregnancy.
“I’m definitely the kind of per-
son if someone tells me ‘no’ one
way, I’m going to go find all the
alternative ways to do things,”
Faith said.
The vast majority of patients at
Tulsa Women’s Clinic haven’t
heard anything about the loom-
ing abortion bans in Oklahoma,
said Joey Banks, a doctor who
flies in from Montana to provide
abortions at the clinic once a
Bianca, a 29-year-old from San
Antonio, first learned about the
Oklahoma laws after she found
out she was too far along to get an
abortion in Te xas.
“It made me feel like I am just
not in the loop,” she said. “Things
are happening too quickly.”
Worried that Oklahoma would
pass the law before she got to the
clinic, Bianca took the first avail-
able appointment. On Sunday
and Monday, she made the 18-
hour round trip drive to Tulsa.
When she found out about
Oklahoma, Bianca said, she
couldn’t help wondering what
state was next. If Oklahoma
banned abortion, the reception-
ist told her she could try New
“But if this whole law passes
again in New Mexico, then
what?” she said.
Two days after Bianca re-
turned home from Tulsa, Okla-
homa’s House committee on pub-
lic health met to discuss the
Te xas-style abortion ban that
could take effect immediately.
Only one lawmaker, Rep. Ajay
Pittman (D), asked any questions
about the bill.
“Can the health department or
hospital association talk to the
impact that this will have on
patients?” she said.
“A t this point I would probably
request not to,” said Rep. To dd
Russ (R), one of the bill’s spon-

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