The Washington Post - USA (2022-04-10)

(Antfer) #1


sold for about $11.7 million each,
property records show, for a gain
of more than $14 million.
J.P. Folsgaard Bak, a Danish
lawyer who moved to the United
States to become an
entrepreneur, headed the Buffalo
company misidentified in the
report. The company had closed
its doors in 2018 after Trump’s
Chinese tariffs made Chinese
components more expensive and
the tablets unprofitable. Bak said
he was reading the Daily Mail in
2020, shortly after the Senate
report was released, and was
stunned to see an article saying
his company had received
payments from a Russian
The committee staff had not
contacted the company before
publication of the report. Bak
said the story exploded on social
media and threats were being
made against him and his wife.
He sought an immediate
correction from the committee
but said the company’s appeals
were not heeded, with officials
being told the burden of proof
was on the company.
After the election, on Nov. 18,
2020, the committee issued a
supplemental report that on
Page 16 included a footnote
stating: “It appears that the
tablet company did not receive
the wires, but rather the other
entity under the name BAK USA
LLC was the recipient of those
funds.” Bak said he did not learn
of the footnote until May of the
following year, when he received
a letter from the Grassley’s chief
of staff alerting him to it.

The GOP response
Johnson spokeswoman Alexa
Henning said Johnson stood by
the report.
“Our report cited information
from factual statements in U.S.
government records,” said Taylor
Foy, a spokesman for Senate
Finance Committee Republicans.
“We’ve been provided no
evidence to change our findings
or dissociate Hunter Biden’s
financial connections to Devon
Archer and Yelena Baturina.” In
an apparent reference to the
Biden laptop, he added: “In fact,
additional evidence has come to
light that suggests Hunter Biden
and Devon Archer collaborated
on financial transactions with
Yelena Baturina around the time
of the transaction in question,
and were involved in additional
financial ventures together than
had been previously known.”
As for BAK USA, Foy said,
“Hunter Biden, Devon Archer
and their associates would
routinely set up multiple
corporations with similar names
for limited use.” He said that “the
committee received angry
messages” from “combative”
BAK company officials but
sought to clarify the record with
the footnote in the supplemental
Bak said as far as he knows, no
news organization ever corrected
its reporting on BAK USA. “Our
old company officially is still
identified as the receiver of the
funds, if you look it up at the
Internet,” he said. “Typical
Washington strategy: October
surprise on front page and
subtraction at Page 11 next to the

was sentenced. “I have deep
remorse for the victims of the

Baturina’s deals in Brooklyn
Besides the allegation about
Hunter Biden, the GOP report
made other claims about
payments from Baturina to
Rosemont Seneca Thornton. But
that part of the report showed
sloppiness in the reporting and
calls into question the
thoroughness of the
investigation. The report
critically misidentified the
recipient, mixing up two entities
with virtually the same names.
The Fact Checker identified
the correct owner of the entity
that received the funds — and
traced the money to real estate
purchases in Brooklyn that
match a statement by Baturina
as well as Archer’s admission
that he used Rosemont Seneca
Thornton to transfer funds for
Baturina for real estate
investments in Brooklyn.
The Senate report said that
“between May 6, 2015 and Dec. 8,
2015, Baturina sent 11 wires in
the amount of $391,968.21 to a
bank account belonging to BAK
USA LLC,” with the transactions
listed as “loan agreement.” The
report said nine of the
transactions, totaling
$241,797.14, were sent to a
Rosemont Seneca Thornton
bank account, which then
transferred the money to BAK
The report said “BAK USA was
a start-up technology company
headquartered in Buffalo, N.Y.,
that produced tablet computers
in cooperation with unnamed
Chinese business partners.” It
turns out there were two BAK
USA LLCs, but the one that
received the payments had a
comma in its name — BAK USA,
LLC, which corporate records
show was formed on May 28,
In 2016, Baturina issued a
statement saying she had opened
a representative office in New
York to oversee investments in
the United States. “Baturina’s
company has acquired the first
set of commercial buildings next
to Barclay’s Centre, a very
popular sports and
entertainment venue. The
company owns the buildings
with a total area of 1,500 square
meters, and the investment that
went into their acquisition
totaled US $10 million,” the
statement said.
New York City real estate
records show that BAK USA,
LLC, using the same business
address as Archer’s firm
Rosemont Capital, on June 27,
2014, had purchased two parcels
in Brooklyn within a half-mile of
Barclays Center. One parcel was
bought for about $4.1 million
and the other for about
$5.4 million, or a total of
$9.6 million. The properties had
been auctioned by the unclaimed
and seized assets program of the
United States government.
The property records and a
property tax bill directed us to
Helen Gotman, who is active in
New York City real estate. She
confirmed to the Fact Checker
that she managed the properties
on behalf of Baturina.
In 2018, the properties were

Daily Mail she was “not
interested” in explaining an
alleged consultancy fee. Her
estranged brother Viktor Baturin
claimed to the news organization
that “it was a payment to enter
the American market.” Baturin,
who is reported to be in custody
after losing a fraud case filed by
his sister, could not be reached
for comment.
Hunter Biden’s laptop does
not contain significant evidence
of direct interaction between
Hunter Biden and Baturina,
according to a review of emails
that have been verified by
experts working with The
Washington Post as well as
emails that the experts were
unable to verify.
Her name, for instance,
appears as a possible guest for a
2015 dinner that then-Vice
President Biden later briefly
visited, according to our
reporting, but it’s unclear
whether she attended.
There’s also no sign of a
$3.5 million payment in Hunter
Biden’s reported income for
2014, the year of the wire
transfer. That year, he reported
earning almost $1.25 million,
according to information
contained in a verified laptop
email he sent to his lawyer. The
email said $400,000 of the
income was related to Biden’s
board seat at Burisma, a
Ukrainian gas company.
Archer did a lot of business
with Hunter Biden and had
originally brought him into the
BHR deal. But Archer also had
many side deals in that period
unconnected to his business with
Biden. So doing his own deal
with Baturina would appear to
be part of that pattern.
In February, Archer was
sentenced to a year and a day in
prison after being convicted of
defrauding Native American
tribes and various clients in
relation to the fraudulent
issuance and sale of tribal bonds
between 2014 and 2016. “I was
doing too many things at once
and not paying enough
attention,” said Archer before he

Group, run by Jim Bulger, who
brought expertise in investing in
But almost as soon as
Rosemont Seneca Thornton was
created, the partners decided to
dissolve it, according to a person
with access to the board minutes.
The original structure had added
unexpected regulatory burdens
to Thornton, and so Bulger’s
lawyers advised that the group
split up, this person said.
Within a year, Chinese
corporate records reflected that
the foreign investors in BHR
were Rosemont Seneca Bohai
LLC, with 20 percent, and
Thornton Group LLC, with 10
percent. Corporate records show
Rosemont Seneca Bohai, the
replacement corporate vehicle,
was formed on Feb. 13, 2014, the
day before the Baturina transfer.
In theory, for Hunter Biden,
Rosemont Seneca Thornton was
no more.

RST unexpectedly lives on
But Rosemont Seneca Thornton
was not dissolved as planned.
Four people familiar with the
company said that Devon Archer,
Hunter Biden’s former business
partner, controls it. Archer had
kept the vehicle alive for his own
real estate business, Rosemont
Realty, which raised money from
Eastern European and Central
Asian investors, two people
knowledgeable about his
activities said. But he did not
inform either Hunter Biden or
Bulger, they said.
Archer’s secret was exposed
when the Senate report was
published. Confronted, Archer
told Bulger that he had used
Rosemont Seneca Thornton to
transfer funds from Baturina to
purchase real estate in Brooklyn,
according to a participant in the
Archer and his attorney,
Matthew Schwartz, did not
respond to queries. Hunter
Biden’s attorney, Chris Clark,
declined to comment.
Baturina did not respond to
emailed questions. When the
report was released, she told the

point — and our reporting has
unearthed the best explanation
about what really happened. It’s
a complicated story, involving a
web of corporate entities, that
eventually leads to the purchase
of millions of dollars worth of
real estate in Brooklyn by the
Russian billionaire. We found no
evidence that Hunter Biden was
part of those transactions.

A deal in China
Let’s start our story in China,
where Hunter Biden invested in
a private investment fund
backed by Chinese state entities
at a time when his father was
vice president — a controversial
move that has raised ethical
questions. The allegation that he
received this payment hinges on
his involvement with a firm
called Rosemont Seneca
Thornton that initially invested
in the fund, generally known as
BHR Partners.
The report says that on Feb.
14, 2014, Baturina wired
$3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca
Thornton LLC, which it said was
“co-founded” by Hunter Biden.
The payment was listed as
“Consultancy Agreement
DD12.02.2014,” the report said.
The report attributes details
on financial transactions to a
“confidential document”
obtained from the Treasury
Department. Johnson and Sen.
Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa),
then chairman of the F inance
Committee, in 2019 had
announced they had sought
Suspicious Activity Reports
(SARs) on individuals and
entities, including Hunter Biden.
SARs are akin to an informant’s
tips, not evidence of fraud.
Rosemont Seneca Thornton
was created on May 28, 2013,
according to corporation
records, and was incorporated in
Delaware, which does not
require shareholders or directors
to be revealed. But Devon
Archer, Hunter Biden’s former
business partner, sometimes
used “Rosemont” in company
names and Biden used “Seneca.”
Thornton referred to Thornton

“She [Russian
billionaire Elena
Baturina] gave
him [Hunter
Biden] $3.
million so now I
would think
Vladimir] Putin
would know the
answer to that. I
think he should release it. I think
we should know that answer.”
— Former president Donald
Trump, in an interview with
Just the News, March 29
“The FBI knew of the laptop,
knew that Hunter received a
$3.5 million wire transfer from
the former mayor of Moscow’s
— Sen. Ron Johnson (R-
Wis.), interview on Fox News’s
“Sunday Morning Futures,”
April 3
Less than 50 days before the
2020 presidential election, the
Republican staff of the Senate
Finance and Homeland Security
committees issued a joint report
with a startling claim — that Joe
Biden’s son Hunter had received
a $3.5 million wire transfer from
Elena Baturina, a Russian
billionaire and the widow of the
former mayor of Moscow.
Trump quickly weaponized
the factoid, mentioning it 42
times in the final weeks of the
campaign. He sharply
questioned Biden during the first
presidential debate: “They were
the ones involved with Russia,
turns out not me, it was the
opposite. But why did your son
get three and a half million from
the wife of the mayor of
An attorney for Hunter Biden
denied the allegation in 2020 but
it has lived on, especially in the
right-wing media. Recently
Trump called on Putin to reveal
what he knows about it.
Trump’s call-out to Putin
inspired us to dig deep into this
story again. We interviewed
people familiar with the
transactions, reviewed property
and real estate documents and
probed for leads in the emails
contained on a hard drive copy
of the laptop Hunter Biden
supposedly left behind for repair
in a Delaware shop in April 2019.
None of our sources would speak
on the record because of
continuing investigations of
Hunter Biden and his business
practices, but we sought
confirmation from corporate
filings and other records.
The flimsiness of the
allegation was apparent from the
start merely by carefully reading
the Senate GOP report itself.
The executive summary offers
a seemingly definitive bullet
point almost exactly the same as
Johnson’s comment: “Hunter
Biden received a $3.5 million
wire transfer from Elena
Baturina, the wife of the former
mayor of Moscow.” But the two
pages in the report that deal with
this transaction are considerably
more nuanced, never saying
outright that Hunter Biden
received this money and making
no claim that any laws were
The GOP report itself does not
provide evidence to back up the
claim that became a talking

Unraveling the tale of Hunter Biden and $3.5 million wired from Russia

The Fact


Elena Baturina with her husband, Yuri Luzhkov, at a state ceremony in M oscow in 2016. A transfer of
money by Baturina to the United States became fodder in Republican allegations about Hunter Biden.


In her blog post titled “How to
Murder Your Husband,” Nancy
Crampton Brophy meticulously
detailed the pros and cons of
various methods: Guns are too
loud. Poison may not work. A hit
man might rat you out to the
The jury tasked with determin-
ing whether she killed her hus-
band is unlikely to hear about any
of it.
A judge in Portland, Ore., ruled
on the first day of Brophy’s mur-
der trial Monday that it would be
unfair for the attorneys in the
case to talk about her 2011 essay.
In it, Brophy said she thinks a lot
about murder because she’s a
romantic suspense writer.
“I find it is easier to wish
people dead than to actually kill
them,” she wrote, according to an
archived version of the post. “I
don’t want to worry about blood
and brains splattered on my
walls. And really, I’m not good at
remembering lies. But the thing I
know about murder is that every
one of us have it in him/her when
pushed far enough.”
The lawyers in Brophy’s trial
have painted opposing pictures of

the months before Daniel Brophy
was found dead at his workplace,
the Oregon Culinary Institute, in

  1. Prosecutors said the couple
    was mired in “financial despair”
    with no way out — except, Nancy
    Brophy allegedly surmised, fatal-
    ly shooting her husband to capi-
    talize on an over $1.4 million
    life-insurance payout. Her de-
    fense attorney countered that the
    couple’s finances were improving
    before Daniel Brophy’s death and
    that Nancy’s Brophy’s gun-supply
    purchases were for book research
    and in response to news of mass
    In opening statements Mon-
    day, prosecutor Shawn Overstreet
    said Nancy Brophy began schem-
    ing to kill her husband in late

  2. He said she bought supplies
    to make what is known as a ghost
    gun, a homemade weapon that’s
    meant to be untraceable, but
    didn’t know how to build it. So
    Brophy allegedly purchased a
    9mm Glock pistol while her hus-
    band was at work. Overstreet said
    she replaced the gun’s slide and
    barrel with one ordered on eBay,
    making the gun’s ammunition
    casings appear not to match the
    weapon. And, he said, she prac-
    ticed firing at a shooting range.
    On June 2, 2018, Overstreet
    said surveillance video captured
    Nancy Brophy driving near the
    culinary institute at about
    6:39 a.m. Roughly 40 minutes
    later, he said, Daniel Brophy ar-
    rived at work. He was filling buck-
    ets of ice and water at a commer-

cial sink with his back to the door
when his wife allegedly shot him
twice, piercing his spine and
heart, the prosecutor said.
Told by a detective that her
husband had been found dead,
Nancy Brophy said she had been
home all morning. Asked if she
owned weapons, she allegedly
didn’t mention the ghost gun kit.
Four days later, Nancy Brophy
asked police for a letter stating
that she wasn’t a suspect so that
she could collect on her husband’s
life insurance policy, Overstreet
said. The detective declined. In-
vestigators later learned that Bro-
phy allegedly made claims on 10
policies and was also eligible for

the equity in their home and a
workers’ compensation claim be-
cause her husband died at work.
Brophy, then 68, was arrested
in September 2018 for allegedly
carrying out what “she perhaps
believed to be the perfect plan,
when she ended the life of be-
loved chef Daniel Brophy,” ac-
cording to the prosecution.
But Lisa Maxfield, a defense
attorney for Brophy, said there’s
no way that Nancy Brophy would
have done that. Prosecutors were
making a “circumstantial” case
that asked jurors to ignore the
most important circumstance,
Maxfield said: that the couple was
in a healthy, vibrant marriage for

nearly 25 years.
“Nancy Crampton Brophy has
always been thoroughly, madly,
crazy in love with Daniel Brophy,
and she still is today,” Maxfield
told the jury.
Although money was tight in
2017, Maxfield said the Brophys
had formulated a plan to transi-
tion toward retirement. Daniel
Brophy decided to teach weekend
classes at the culinary institute
the next year, in addition to his
normal weekday classes. He got a
part-time job cooking at a reha-
bilitation center. The couple
planned to subdivide their home.
As a result, Maxfield said, the
Brophys significantly reduced
their credit card debt and the
payments due on their mortgage.
Their financial situation had sig-
nificantly improved by June 2018,
and they had roughly $10,
between them, she said.
Maxfield defended the Bro-
phys’ multiple life insurance pol-
icies as reasonable for a woman
who worked as a salesperson for
various life insurance companies.
Nancy Brophy wanted to demon-
strate her confidence in the prod-
uct, Maxfield said, and earned a
commission on the policies that
she sold to herself. So, she said,
Brophy had a financial incentive
to sometimes add policies.
After Daniel Brophy’s death,
Maxfield said, his wife scrambled
to sell the house before the bank
could realize the sole person on
the mortgage had died and de-
mand full payment. Her grief also

interfered with her job selling
Medicare policies, the defense at-
torney said.
Brophy’s weapons purchases
could be explained also, Maxfield
said. The ghost gun kit and the
replacement slide and barrel
were research tools for Brophy’s
books — successors to the antique
doorknobs, law-enforcement
quality handcuffs and other items
that Brophy previously had
bought for her writing. She got
the Glock pistol in response to
news of several mass shootings,
Maxfield said.
“Nancy was lost after Dan was
killed,” Maxfield said. “Her
friends will tell you that she
sounded very confused. It was as
though the earth had fallen away
from her feet.”
The trial is expected to last for
several weeks, the Oregonian re-
Before her husband’s death,
Nancy Brophy published at least
seven books with plots that often
centered on “wrong” relation-
ships that “felt so right.” On the
covers, chiseled men mugged for
the camera and women glanced
seductively over their shoulders.
Brophy described herself in an
author biography as married to a
chef who treats life as a science
project. She said she decided to
marry him when he told her that
he was making hors d’oeuvres
before joining her in the bathtub.
“Can you imagine,” she wrote,
“spending the rest of your life
without a man like that?”

‘How to Murder Your Husband’ author on trial, accused of killing husband

Nancy Crampton Brophy, left, is charged in the 2018 death of her
husband, Dan Brophy. Her defense calls the case “circumstantial.”

Jurors in murder case
are unlikely to hear
about her 2011 essay
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