Amateur Photographer - UK (2019-09-06)

(Antfer) #1

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Sensitive subjects
Take care where children are involved, and
you also need to be sensitive to cultural
and religious differences (when taking
photographs of Muslim women, for example).
For a fuller guide to your rights under the law,
see this excellent page on the Urban 75

Seek clarification
If you are questioned by a member of the
public, try to remain respectful and be prepared
to explain yourself. Most people will question
your motives out of sheer curiosity so don’t be
too quick to judge. If someone suggests you
are breaking the law (and you know otherwise),
ask for clarification.

Know your rights
We’ve also put together a comprehensive
guide of your legal rights on our website at which will give you a better
chance of staying on the straight and narrow.
Disclaimer: this article is not a comprehensive
legal guide, so always seek specialist legal
advice if you have questions or concerns.
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