Practical Photography - UK (2019-09)

(Antfer) #1
Photographycanbe learntin a fewdays,but
masteryof thesubjectcantakea lifetime.This
fiv e-stepprocessto developinga photographic
st yleshouldhelpyouto understandwhatyouwant
toachievein termsof theuniquelypersonallookto
yo urwork,butit’sonlya startingpoint.Themore
motivatedyoucanstay,theeasierit will be to hone
yo urownstyle,so makea pointof shootingas often
aspossible,andensureyouhavea planin mind
ev erytimeyougo outto shoot.Carryyourcamera
wi thyouwheneverpossible,andif youseean
opportunityfora photo,grabit. It’sthisconstant
theimagesyoucreatethatwill revealyourown
makea pointof revisitingthemwithfresheyesat
a laterdate.Be ruthlesstoo– keepyourportfolio
up-to-dateandweedoutimagesthatno longer
defineyou.We hopethatthisguidesetsyouon the
courseof discoveringyourown style,andwe’dlove
fo r youto sharethejourneyby sendingimagesin or
bysharingthemon ourFacebookpage.

never stop

le arning 47

what next?

Experimenting with
different settings and
techniques can help
you to discover your
own style naturally.


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