
(singke) #1


he visitors ranged
from local school chil-
dren to international
tourists, brought together
to view the unusual and
spectacular event at one
of the world’s leading as-
tronomical observatories.
[ESO/Romain Lucchesi]

fect view of the solar
eclipse.” Joining the many
visitors at La Silla was the
President of the Republic
of Chile, Sebastián Piñera,
who was welcomed by
ESO’s Director General,
Xavier Barcons.
“We are delighted that
the President chose to join
us at La Silla on this very
special day,”said Xavier
Barcons. “The eclipse hap-
pened on the 50 thanniversary of La
Silla, an occasion to celebrate the
strong and productive partnership
between Chile and ESO. La Silla has
played an extremely important role
in the development of astronomy in
Europe and Chile, and Chilean as-

tronomers routinely use telescopes
in La Silla for their scientific re-
La Silla has been an ESO stronghold
since the 1960 s. Here, ESO operates
two of the most productive 4 - metre-
class telescopes in the world.

The 3. 58 - metre New Technology
Telescope (NTT) broke new ground
in telescope engineering and design
and was the first in the world to
have a computer-controlled main
mirror (active optics), technology de-
veloped at ESO and now applied to

chronicles EN_l'Astrofilo 29/08/2019 15:56 Page 17

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