Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

true—she goes through cycles of pregnancy, turmoil, abortion, and
depression, because the drive to become pregnant, once thwarted,
becomes even stronger.
Demeter’s maternal instinct is not restricted to being a biological
mother or to nurturing only her own children. Being a foster parent
or babysitter allows many women to continue expressing maternal
love after their own children have grown or gone. The goddess
herself had this role with Demophoön. Emilie Applegate, a San
Diego woman who has received recognition as a special foster
mother, personifies this aspect of Demeter.^3 She cares for Mexican
babies who are so malnourished or ill that their survival is
threatened, taking them into her home, where they become part of
her own family of three sons and one adopted daughter. She’s de-
scribed as a “Mama Segunda”—a second mother. Applegate—as
well as the more celebrated DeBolts, who have adopted handicapped
children of many races—have an abundance of maternal instinct
and ability to nurture and foster growth that is typically Demeter.

Feeding others is another satisfaction for a Demeter woman. She
finds nursing her own child tremendously satisfying. It gives her
pleasure to provide ample meals for family and guests. If they enjoy
her food, she basks in the warmth of feeling like a good mother
(rather than—as Athena might—like a gourmet chef). If she works
in an office, she enjoys serving others coffee (in marked contrast to
an Artemis woman, who feels demeaned and refuses to do so unless
the men also take turns).
Demeter, as Goddess of Grain, provided humanity with the ability
to cultivate crops and was responsible for the fruitfulness of nature.
Similarly, women who move to the country to grow their own food,
bake bread, can fruits, and share their bounty with others are express-
ing the Mother Nature aspect of Demeter.

Maternal persistence is another Demeter attribute. Such mothers
refuse to give up when the welfare of their children is

Demeter: Goddess of Grain, Nurturer and Mother
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