Goddesses in Everywoman

(avery) #1

Eros, 18, 234, 235; genealogy, 298; and Psyche, myth of, 5–6, 7, 198, 237–238,
258–262, 282, 288, 290, 294
Euripides, 264
Europa, 78
Events, and goddess activation, 30–31
“Ever near” goddess, Athena as, 84
Evert, Jimmy, 55
Extrasensory perception (ESP), in Persephone woman, 205, 222

Falk, Ruth, 252
Family, effect on goddess activation, 27
Fathers, effects of. See Parents
“Father’s daughter,” Athena woman as, 81–82

The Fellowship of the Ring, 288, 294
The Feminine Mystique, 3
Feminism, feminist movement. See Women’s movement
Fire of the Forge, God of. See Hephaestus
Focused consciousness, of virgin goddesses, 37–38
Fonda, Jane, 61
Foot binding, 28
Forge, God of. See Hephaestus
The Four Quartets, 113, 295
Freud, Sigmund, 40, 42, 230
Freudian psychology of women, 40–41
Friedan, Betty, 3, 160
Friedrich, Paul, 233

Gaea, 18, 177, 178; genealogy, 298
Galatea, 231, 232, 236
Galland, China, 52
Generosity, in Demeter woman, 174
Gimbutas, Marija, 20
The Glass Menagerie, 219
Glauce, 162
Goal-focused, Artemis woman as, 49–50
The Goddess, 106
Goddesses: activation of, 25–34; alchemical, 224–262; Aphrodite, 224–262;
as archetypes, 15–17, 301–302; Artemis, 35–74; Athena, 35–45, 75–106;
choosing among, 263–277; Demeter, 132–138, 168–196; family tree, 17–19,
297–300; Hera, 132–167; Hestia, 35–45, 107–131; history and mythology,

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